
UW-Seattle MSBA 2023 Fall Round 1 Kira 面经 [2022.11.03]

[日期:2022-11-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Jennifer663 [字体: ]

刚录完 UW-Seattle MSBA 的 Kira 决定趁还记得时上 CD 分享面经积攒人品!! 录到的题目都是之前其他人分享过的,只要把题库看完绝对没问题的。

正式开始前有两次练习机会,正式总共 5 题,都是 30 秒准备 1 分钟回答,不能重录。

  1. What specifically interests you about the MSBA program at Foster, and what are you most looking forward to in the curriculum?
  2. Tell me about a successful team that you have been a part of at school or at work. What made this team so successful?
  3. What is your personal method (non-academic) for balancing intense workloads with other necessary aspects of life, such as joining clubs or maintaining relationships? How will you bring these skills to the MSBA program?
  4. Describe a project you worked on that demonstrates your analytical and creative problem-solving skills.
  5. What else to share to the admission?

祝大家面试一切顺利,offer 多多!




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