
[已录] UBC MBAN 面经 with Aaron Nakama [2022.03.25]

[日期:2022-03-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:lydiiaaa [字体: ]

第一次发帖子,回馈 CD!


  • 01.11 卡着第二轮 ddl 申请的
  • 01.15 preliminary review completed.
  • 01.19 profile evaluation.
  • 03.02 面试邀请
  • 03.15 温哥华时间 下午 2:30 pm 面试
  • 03.24 收到 offer 还有 5k CAD 奖学金

BG:加本, 工程专业,专业课包括 c++, 线性代数,微积分,统计,一点 MATLAB,gpa 不高 3.31, GMAT 700 ( Quant 51), 两段加拿大当地暑期实习,头衔都是 research assistant,一年的加拿大全职实习,头衔是 data analyst, 这个工作中主要是油井的数据分析,做了一个 business analytics 相关的项目。其他志愿者经历也有一些,当过本科学校 career center 的学生大使,社团的 lead.

我的面试官是 Aaron Nakama, 本身是做咨询服务的,但是作为第三方面试官为 mban 招生很多年了,他自己也说,对这个项目很有了解,这么多年他帮 MBAN 招生了 18 位学生,他只做 zoom 面试。

我的面试题很多 CD 上没有,Aaron 开头就说了,他问的题目我基本上是不会准备到的,他也说了他会打断我进行下一个问题,希望我不用介意。问题大概有 10 多个,顺序记不清了:

  1. If you are to explain to your grandma in one sentence, what machine learning is, what would you say?
  2. What's the difference between Business Analytics and Data Analytics?
  3. What are the three things you think are the most important when choosing for the university you would apply to?( 我说的是 ranking, location and Alumni)
  4. 接着第 3 道题,他问了:why do you think MBAN Alumni would help you with your career development?
  5. 接着第 4 题他问了,As an Alumna for xx university ( 我的本科学校),what you have contributed to the community and the cohort there?
  6. 这个问题问的有些别扭 how would you learn from your peer MBAN students out of class? ( 注意是 out of class)
  7. What would you bring to MBAN?( 这道题我有准备,然而我刚说完了我准备的第一个点, 就被打断了)
  8. Why mban at this time? ( 强调的是为什么现在这个时间点申请 MBAN)
  9. What are the 5 adj that your manager and colleagues used to describe you ? which one you think is the most and which one is the least true of you?
  10. Tell me about a data analytics project you've worked on in 2-3 sentences.
  11. What is one lesson you have taken from your professor/ co-workers that has an impact on your life?
  12. 因为我是石油背景转这个,我还说我以后想用大数据帮助石油行业发展,所以他问了 how would i contribute to energy industry with data analytics, 类似这个问题,主要是想问我怎么 fit in the gap?
  13. Tell me something not on the resume/ has not been covered.(类似的这个问题,我记不清了,但就是分享下有趣的事情)
  14. Data analytics tools you have ever used.

我是北京时间早上 5:30 面试的,4:30 am 我就起来了,整个面试持续了 40 分钟,最后面试官给我了一个很正面的评价,中间有个插曲,我说我在 linkedin 上看过他的背景,他很开心的样子。Aaron 真的挺 nice 的,面试中他还推荐了 kaggle 这个网站,上面有 data competition 还有一些资源。他面试完给我的评价是说觉得我会是一个很好的 fit,他会大力推荐我,让我挺感动的。

15 号面试完到 24 号收到 offer,中间等的蛮焦急。收到奖学金更是没想到,希望大家都能收到梦想的 offer!




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