
Emory MAF 2022 Fall Video Essay [2022.01.26]

[日期:2022-01-28] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Zhhhhhhhh [字体: ]

我看录取人数不太高,没怎么抱希望, 第一次录好了以后导致传不上去,然后又叫我第二个问题录一遍,但是问题没变子,两秒钟搞定。

Talk about a time when you had to course-correct a situation. 这个问题是我从 CD 里 MSBA 的大佬那边搬过来的,就今年第一年 MAF 招生,别的也没啥经验了,主要是参考了 MSBA 的, 那我就整一下 MSBA 的面经吧,也希望自己 offer 多多!

  1. Of Goizueta Business School's core value(Courage,Integrity, Accountability, Rigor, Diversity, Team, Community) which one resonates you and why?
  2. 如果这辈子你只能吃/做一种 food,what would it be and why?
  3. What's your favorite book and why?
  4. If you can live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
  5. Outside of work, what is my greatest accomplishment? (50% 编的希望对大家有用)
  6. I think my greatest accomplishment out of work is that in an effort to be healthier, I recently lost about thirty pounds and started training for swimming. Over the past two years, I've changed everything from my diet to my hobbies. I should control calorie intake, and I will go to the swimming pool to exercise twice per week, also I will run five kilometers every day. It was very difficult initially, but now, I'm ready for my first swimming competition next month. I've never had a problem with accomplishing a goal, but now I know I intimately understand the power of determination.
  7. 你曾经得到的最好的建议是什么?
  8. Outside of family and work, what is something you are passionate about and why?
  9. 你想让未来的同学知道的一点关于你的事。
  10. Talk about a possession or moment to you treasure and why?
  11. Do you feel pulled to a specific social cause? (这个我觉得不太好想)
  12. Yes. For example, environmental problem. since I took part in the volunteer activities about global warming, I want to talk about the strategies we can use to slow or stop the human-caused global warming. First, we can switch to renewable sources of energy to power our homes and buildings. Second, we can ride bikes instead of those that burn fossil fuels, or we can use mass transit instead of driving our own cars. Third, we can support more local businesses that use and promote sustainable, climate-smart practices. Last, we can consider placing an upper limit on the amount of carbon dioxide we will allow ourselves to emit into the atmosphere.
  13. If you have an extra hour every day, what will you do
  14. What is your favorite song/artist/album?
  15. If you could witness any event - past, present or future - what would it be?
  16. Tell us about the first job you ever had.
  17. 如果你是一个 mentor,你能从这段 relationship 中得到什么?
  18. Talk about a time when you had to course-correct a situation.
  19. Talk about a time when you confronted fear.
  20. When you were young, what did you always want to be when you grew up and why?
  21. Describe the importance of the relationship.
  22. What recent human-interest story in the news caught your attention and why?
  23. Describe a time when you challenged a belief or idea.
  24. 做什么事情或者什么 idea 会让我 lost track of time.
  25. 为什么选择了这个 major?(我觉得 major 不会考因为前面 essay 写过了)




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