
Babson MSEL Kira 面经 [2021.10.19]

[日期:2021-10-31] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:翠鹿小碴 [字体: ]

刚做完 Babson 的 Kira 就来攒人品啦。

Babson 官网虽然没写(可能是我瞎) 申请上交后就有会收到 "Required next steps for your Babson Application" 的 Kira 邀请邮件啦, 划重点,要在 14 天内做完。

一共 5 道题, 准备时间:30 秒, 作答时间:1 分钟。

我的跟题库还蛮像的但有更新(有一说一申的人好少) "I'm going to do really well on this assessment!"

  1. Short term goals and what skills do you expect to have after the program
  2. Why MSEL this point?
  3. Describe a time when you were not a leader in a team. What would you contribute to the team?
  4. What recent potential have you discovered from yourself?
  5. If you get offers from multiple graduate schools, what are your top 3 factors in choosing which one to accept?

新手不太会用应该加上了往年大佬 + 我遇见的新题的题库如下:

Babson College, Master of Science in Management in Entrepreneurial Leadership (MSEL) 面试问题大汇总:


  1. Why GEP?
  2. Why at this point?
  3. Why Babson?
  4. Other schools you applied?
  5. Will you attend clubs in babson? how do you plan to involve into the Babson community?
  6. 为什么选择你的本科学校?

Career 相关

  1. Career path.
  2. Short term and long term plan.
  3. Collaborative and frustrating teamwork experience?
  4. An experience under risks?
  5. How do you define entrepreneurship?
  6. 你认为最重要的领导特质? Leadership?
  7. Anything you are passionate about?
  8. strength and weakness?
  9. Everyday when you wake up, what is your biggest motivation?
  10. How do you want your friend to say about you/How do you want your friends to remember you?
  11. How do you define success?
  12. 你以前或者现在的公司面临的挑战是什么?
  13. Short term goals and what skills do you expect to have after the program?
  14. Critical feedback from your manager, what was it and what’s your feedback?


  1. What is the best aspect of a team and what is the negative aspect of it?
  2. How to work with someone who can't do his share of job very well?
  3. How to solve challenge in teamwork?
  4. What do you want to be, a team leader or a team follower?
  5. What can your team get from you? What your classmates can learn from you?
  6. What can you learn from your classmates?What do you expect to learn from your classmates? Some soft skills?
  7. How will you social with your classmates in BABSON?
  8. 你是如何激励他人的?
  9. Behavior, attitude 什么的 conflict with the group, how did you overcome it?
  10. Describe a time when you were not a leader in a team. What would you contribute to the team?


  1. What you will contribute to Babson community?
  2. What can you contribute to BABSON after graduation?


  1. 你如何适应新的环境?


  1. Walk me through your professional experience.
  2. What additional information do you want us to know?





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