
Northwestern MSC 面经 with Toby Cortelyou [2021.04.01]

[日期:2021-04-12] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:byxbessie [字体: ]

Interview with Toby Cortelyou

首先寒暄问候几句,然后他自我介绍 接着进入问题:

  1. Tell me about yourself. (stories, background)
  2. Why did you go to San Diego? (我现在在San Diego)3. Favorite class you took at undergrad school.
  3. Why do you want to study Communication?
  4. Why MSC?
  5. Qualities that a good leader should have?
  6. Good leader example.
  7. What do you want to contribute to the class?
  8. What are you nervous about when you get into the class?
  9. What character will you be if you are a leader?/What kind of leader are you?
  10. How to motivate the team members?
  11. Tell me about a time when you experience conflicts in team, how to handle it? (好像有这个问题,记不清了)
  12. Any questions about the program or me?

问题大概就是这些,不会有为难你的问题,全部都是针对你的个人经历或想法。Toby 人很 nice, 我回答完问题后他也会分享一些他的看法, 不用紧张,就正常交流观点就可以了。Toby 应该会根据你的回答追问,因为我说的很多很全面,所以就基本上只追问了 2 次。面试前我翻了各种网站帖子都没有这个项目的面经,所以我想把我遇到的问题记下来和大家分享。其实问题基本就是这些,他们的目的是想多了解你,看看你的职业规划和观点符不符合这个项目。我总共面试了 45 分钟,时间卡的刚刚好。祝大家面试顺利!




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