
Yale Asset Management Kira 面经 [2021.01.18]

[日期:2021-01-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:gamt冲鸭! [字体: ]

2020 资管只有一个 90 秒的问题。 2021 是 2 个问题,一个 20 秒准备,60 秒回答;一个 30 秒准备,90 秒回答。 前面的过程就是先 welcome video 然后 setup device 检查摄像头跟麦克风然后可以无限次的 practice,practice 的题目全是 yale 自己的题目。

Give an example of a time when you meet a challenging dynamic in teamwork and how did you solve it?

  1. Introduce yourself to the class.
  2. Why GBS and how will GBS help you with your career?
  3. Do you prefer short-term projects or long-term projects?
    据说前两个问题每个人都一样,第三个问题是一个随机的 behavioral question
  4. Why are you applying to the Yale School of Public Health? How does a degree from Yale fit into your long-term career plans? What actions have you taken to support your development along this path (success in our MPH program and beyond)?
  5. Please tell us about an extracurricular or community activity that has informed your decision to apply for an MPH. Why is this important for you?
  6. You have a take home exam due tomorrow. There is also an ice cream social tonight. You don’t have time to finish the take home exam and go to the social, so a friend offers to help you with the exam. What do you do? Why?
  7. A project need to breakdown & your solution.
  8. 技术的进步会让公司更加关注竞争对手。是否认同?
    感觉前两题都准备的不错,第三题是新的,有点慌,举了 iphone vs Android 的例子
  9. Describe a situation how you help others to understand a concept, 校内校外都可。
  10. 描述一次团队合作。
  11. 如何与跟你性格不同的人合作?
  12. What are the three most important things we should know about you?
  13. Describe a situation where you cooperate with a teammate?
  14. One thing that others are most surprised about you.
  15. 和 others different from urself 建立好的工作关系,你如何 handle?




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