
哥大 BA 面经 [2020.03.14]

[日期:2020-07-14] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:CarefulW [字体: ]


楼主是美中 3 月 11 日下午四五点的时候收到的 email invitation. 在三天时间后链接会失效。48 小时后收到了系统的提醒邮件示意我尽快在失效时间之前完成面试。最后在 3 月 14 日的中午完成面试。


  1. What does BA mean to you?
  2. What do you want to gain from the program?
  3. Tell me a funny story.
  4. What does integrity mean to you? (记不得明确的表达,我讲的是我对integrity的理解)
  5. Question for our team.

这套题我似乎是在之前有的贴子中看过的一套顺序内容一模一样的题。之前似乎有看到有人们猜测题目会是一整套一整套的随机抽取,也有人说某一个时间段的题目都是一样的。感觉还挺迷的,整体来说按照题库准备题目就好。我当时整理了二十道题左右的面经,多亏了以前大家的整理和分享,感谢感谢。因为每道题给的回答时间是 2 分钟,所以每道题我写的回答能够让我平均讲到 1 分 30 秒。我在当时选择边写边熟悉内容,于是准备花了两天的时间。

面试的形式还是比较友好的。有两次录制的机会,第一次是在题目出现时 10 秒钟准备时间之后自动开始,结束第一次录制后可以无限次 review 自己第一次的video,这段时间也可以用来练习。然后可以选择录制第二次或者直接跳到下一题。下一题也不会立刻开始,中间系统需要上传一下上一题的 video,然后再由你点击进入下一题。面试全部结束后还会收到系统发来的 confirmation.



  1. What do you think of NYC? (feel about New York)
  2. What does BA mean to you?
  3. What do you want to gain from the program?
  4. Why this program at Columbia?
  5. Talk about one experience from your CV.
  6. Tell me about an achievement that you are most proud of?
  7. Share programming experience to demonstrate your programming proficiency.
  8. Tell us a project that you’ve enjoyed. Why was it meaningful?
  9. We are very proud of our curriculum, what courses/topics are you excited about?
  10. What market and assets do you follow?
  11. What does ethics mean to you? (how do you define ethics)
  12. What is integrity? (what do you think about integrity)
  13. A fun thing?
  14. Tell us a joke.
  15. What do you do for fun?
  16. A movie or book you recently watched.
  17. Funny story?
  18. How would your peers describe your character? (how your friends describe you)
  19. Describe a time when you made a recommendation. How did your research show the recommendation was successful?
  20. Describe a time you came up with a creative approach to solve a problem.
  21. How do you handle challenges?
  22. How do you deal with problems when you can’t seem to find the right solution?
  23. Any questions?




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