
USC Marshall MKTG 面经 With Elisa [2020.03.13]

[日期:2020-07-08] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:百年 [字体: ]

我好久没有在 6 点起床了,太有挑战了。

刚刚结束了 USC 的面试,非常感谢 CD 网友的面试帖子,问的问题都在面经范围内!发个帖子攒人品!

面试官是很温柔漂亮的小姐姐,还会给反馈,时长 20 分钟。

  1. Introduce.
  2. Why program? 我回答这个问题的时候,把 why track,why mkt?也答到了,就没再问我这个问题,但我说了我想选的 track 后,小姐姐有做笔记。
  3. What's your strength? 感觉回答的太 general.
  4. Other schools you applied?
  5. Three words to describe yourself
  6. Any question?

我有每个问题列了大纲,然后模拟面试,录音,每个问题按逻辑来回答一下,整了三四天吧。 整体来说还是比较满意的,但是可能个别问题的内容不是特别能引起 elisa 小姐姐的兴趣,通过她停下记笔记的手来判断的。


附上在 CD 整理的面经,希望能帮助到找帖子的你。

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. How did you know our program and why do you choose this program?
  3. Why marketing?
  4. Which track? Why?
  5. Which industry, what company and which country do you want to work in?
  6. Successful (achievement)/failure?
  7. what's your strength?
  8. What would be the biggest challenge if you are admitted?
  9. What value would you bring to the class which are different from other applicants?
  10. Tell me about your current job.
  11. What's your routine work day look like?
  12. Three words to describe yourself.
  13. 对 mkt 的看法?
  14. Any questions for me?

网友“阿紫你要努力”,写的非常详细,还有指路链接,感谢她的用心,分享给大家! https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1362612-1-1.htm


  • 01.31 递交
  • 02.19 收到面试邀请
  • 03.09 收到具体的面试时间
  • 03.13 面试

收到面试时间的这个过程非常漫长,一度认为 USC 把我忘了,不过准备时间倒是很充分。




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