
[已录] Emory MSBA 2020 Fall R3 面经 [2020.02.29]

[日期:2020-06-05] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Annie_Zou13 [字体: ]

美国时间 03.06 收到 offer!本来以为没有收到二面的消息就凉了,竟然就默默地直接发 offer 了. 另外还有就是 03.05 下午,有很多小伙伴收到了 unofficial offer,说第二天会出正式通知。我没有收到,所以以为没戏了,但是事实证明即使你没有收到 unofficial 也是还有机会的。

BG:GPA 3.85+ 美本 Top 50 GRE 325+ 一段美国实习 一年美国全职(金融行业)


  • 02.17 收到面试邀请
  • 02.29 面试
  • 03.06 offer

因为是在周末面试,所以是和 student ambassador 面的试,大概 20 分钟,主要是问了 behavioral,但是也问了几个 tech 的问题。

  1. Walk me through your resume and why MSBA program?
  2. Can you describe your technical background?
  3. How do you apply your programming skills to projects?
  4. In your internship what software do you use to clean data and analyze data?
  5. What statistical methods you have used in this project and what kind of variables?
  6. What is your short term career goal? What is a company that you want to work for?
  7. How did you find your internship and full-time job in the US before?
  8. How would you prepare yourself for this program in the technical aspect?
  9. What other programs you have applied for?
  10. How would your teammates describe you?
  11. Any questions?

和他面试完之后,如果通过还需要最后和 Allison 有一个短短的面试。




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