
Columbia AA Video 面经 [2020.02.15]

[日期:2020-04-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:yuanyuan917 [字体: ]

我抽到的题目是 Discrible a mistake you made in your past job. How do you fix it?

官方的 instructions:

“The following is helpful information regarding your Video Essay. Click on the video essay section to see complete instructions. Please read the instructions carefully. You will be prompted with a question and you will have 60 seconds to think of a response. Then you will have 60 seconds to verbally respond to the prompt on camera.In “Testing Mode” make sure you review your video and audio outputs. You can view your microphone level with the green pulsating bar to the right of your preview screen. Since it’s a test environment, you’ll only have 10 seconds to issue a test statement.When you run out of time, you’ll be prompted with a series of questions asking you to watch and listen to the video and to verify your settings are good to go.Then click the green “READY” button, which will give you your official prompt question. The prompts are completely randomized and we have a bank of a few hundred questions.”

  1. what was your dream job when you were a child? And how did it change throughout the years?
  2. What would you do in a day with no plan?
  3. 工作中你喜欢竞争还是合作?
  4. What is sth u wanted to learn but never had time? Why?
  5. where in the world you wanna travel to?
  6. what is the most successful project that u have completed and what made u successful?
  7. What are you hoping to get from your graduate education Career aspiration-knowledge and skills?
  8. What is the most important celebration in your family?(概率稍高)
  9. How would you handle fame?
  10. The most important conversation you have ever had.
  11. 如果我有一百万我会怎么做?
  12. What is something that you proud of doing?
  13. 大学教育中认为最棒的部分是什么?
  14. How do you get more information about an interesting topic?
  15. what is the worst advice you have ever received?
  16. How would you like to change the world?
  17. How do you handle peer pressure?
  18. 介绍一个你 hometown 最 popular 的地方?为什么 popular?
  19. Do you use emojis or emotions during communications? Why?
  20. What moral dilemma you faced recently
  21. 团队合作的活动以及遇到的挑战?
  22. 你本科阶段(印象最深/获益最大)的一门课程是什么?
  23. How do you motivate yourself when you are assigned a task?
  24. How do you get news? 你是怎么获取新闻的?
  25. Describe your ideal work environment.
  26. 对于一个非常重要的speech or TED,你会讲述什么?
  27. 你在博物馆见到的最有意思的事情是什么?
  28. 如果你可以给年轻的你建议,你会给什么?
  29. 如果没有条件限制,理想的职业。
  30. Name and describe three people whom you would like to meet for lunch.
  31. Why this program?
  32. How can you see you in yourself career path?
  33. What is your biggest challenge?
  34. What do you see yourself in ten years?
  35. What is the relationship between career success and education?
  36. How do you maintain a balance between work and your personal life?
  37. How do you determine the success of a project?
  38. What would you do if you found one of your friends cheating?
  39. How would you feel if you spend one day without cell phone? One week?
  40. How do you conclude whether you agree or disagree with an idea?
  41. How you test the limit of your knowledge?
  42. What’s your favorite emoji?
  43. What is your view of class participation?
  44. 你谈判的过程与结果?
  45. What are your three greatest strengths?
  46. Tell me about your biggest weakness?
  47. Your most embarrassing moment and what you learned from it.
  48. 如果你是拥有无限资源的慈善家 philanthropist, what causes will you support?
  49. Describe something you are passionate about and what makes you interested.
  50. Your leadership style?
  51. Where in the world you want to travel to?




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