
2020 fall CMU MEIM Kira Interview [2020.01.24]

[日期:2020-03-04] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:盐渍凤梨 [字体: ]


刚做完CMU MEIM的Kira Interview,有点后悔,还不如做video essay =_=

  • 网速:个人热点速度超出我的想象,无断网问题
  • 测试:注意看一下镜头位置和收音效果
  • 题目:今年只有一道题哇~我和我朋友遇到的都是老题:
    Failed project和Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem,所以应该和以往差不多~

准备了一天,扒了所有的面筋帖,发现整个Heinz College的题库应该是一样的,以下是我能汇总到的所有题:

Type 1: Academic&Career&Program

  1. Career/Academic
    1)Tell us about your first paid job and what you learned from it.
    2)Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to?
    And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?
    3) 描述一下你期待的工作或职业生涯
    4) 为了申请这个项目,你在专业上做了哪些努力?
    5) Describe your dream job/career;Your career plan and how Heinz college helps you? (career goal)
    6)Please, give us an example of an academic or co-curricular activity that has prepared you for graduate studies at the Heinz College.
    7)What is the most creative thing you have done in a past position? What was the result?
    8)As you were applying to the graduate program to the Heinz college, what steps have you taken in your academic and professional life to prepare you for graduate studies? ( preparation, steps)
    9)What past academic experience will help you to succeed in your future study at Heinz?

  2. Program
    2)What's your motivation to apply?
    3) Why do you like Heinz college?
    4) What specifically interests you about Heinz College? Why are you interested in coming here versus other programs?
    5) 为什么学院要录取你?
    6)As you are applying to a professional management program at the Heinz College, why are you interested in working in the particular industries related to your program.
    7)What specifically interests you about Heinz College? Why are you interested in coming here versus other programs?
    8)Tell us what's interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.
    9)Besides your academic and career, which activities do you dedicate most of your time to? And how it could benefit the community when you study at CMU Heinz?

Type 2: Experience

1)Tell us what's interesting about yourself, that is not reflected in any other applying materials.
2) Tell us about your most meaningful accomplishment outside of the workplace and academics.
Tell us what steps you took to achieve this accomplishment.
3) Describe the most important accomplishment
4) Tell us a project that failed
5)Do you once have any innovative or creative ideas?
6)What's your motivation to go to graduate at this point?
8) Please tell us about a time when you had to manage your emotions in a difficult situation.
9) 你面对的最难的困境
11)When was the last time you over delivered on something personally or professionally? what was it, and what drove you to go above and beyond?
12)Describe one of your experience using a unique angle

Type 3: Situation

  1. Teamwork
    1)获得他人帮助的经历/A situation your teammate help you/which assistance your teammates once provided you
    2)Can you tell us an example when you worked with someone and really helped them along to assist them on a project?
    3)Illustrate how you acknowledge your teammate's achievement
    4)describe a situation where you build motivation among coworkers or peers
    5) 描述一次你在团队活动中帮助队友的经历
    6) Tell us when you've had difficulty with a team member because their perspective or approach may have been different than your own. How to reach consensus in teamwork?
    10)great leader需要具备的品质

  2. Problem-solving
    1) tell us about a situation where you had to solve a problem weighing the advantages and disadvantages of a number of options.
    2) share an experience when you solve a problem in an innovative way
    3)Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem
    4)A complex problem and how to generate a new approach and explanation for the solution
    5)Tell us about a time when looking into a problem from a unique or unconventional angle helped you to come up with a solution.(solution unique angle)
    6)Share a situation when you identified a factor for a problem
    7)Improved approach to address an issue
    8)describe a situation where you had to change your approach half-way through a project or task

  3. Others
    1) Imagine a fellow student acting disrespectfully towards a professor. How would you handle the situation?
    2)tell us a time that you have to make an important decision quickly
    4) If you could have a meal with any two people, past or present, who will be and why?
    5)Tell us a time that your ethics are being challenged and how you handle it and put your honesty into the test?
    6)Describe a situation where u have to do multiple tasks at a time( difficult time)
    9)We set goals to focus on our actions. yet sometimes we do not achieve the goals we set. why?






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