
GWU 面经总结 [2019.05.13]

[日期:2019-05-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:二蛋和猫 [字体: ]
  1. Please tell me why you are interested in George Washington University’s specialized Master’sprogram in Business Analytics?
  2. Please tell me why you are interested in getting aspecialized Master’s in Business Analytics now.
  3. Please tell me why you are interested in GWU and MSBA program? (感觉是必考)
  4. When you are not studying and working, what are your favorite things to do in your free time?
  5. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.
  6. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?
  7. Please tell me why you are interested in George Washington University’s specialized master’s program in Business Analytics.I’m very interested to know your professional goals, can you tell me a short-term goal and a long-term goal that you aspire to.
  8. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?
  9. I would like you to tell me about a project where you took information from different sources and did an analysis.
  10. Why the MSBA program?
  11. Three things Olin should know about you
  12. The funniest thing that happened recently hat interests u in St. Louis
  13. 在 Olin 学习,最让你激动的是什么?
  14. Favorite movie or book.
  15. Think about a leader or a mentor you have worked with, what do you hope to learn in the program that will help you implement the skills and attributes you most admire?
  16. A student is selected as Class President and is scheduled to accept the position and speak to the entire student body on Friday. On Wednesday it is discovered that the student has not completed a self-study course requirement that is mandatory for all student senate representatives. The course takes a week to be completed. Given that the student has not started the coursework and will not be able to finish before the announcement on Friday, please describe what actions should be taken in order to resolve the situation.(写作)
  17. For the first time in many years the basketball team finally made it to the championship game. For a player to be eligible, they must have a “C” grade in average. A few days prior to the game, the coach learned that his two star players have dropped below the required average grade. According to the policy, they should be suspended from the team. However, if they are suspended, they won’t be able to play in the championship game while the whole team depends on them. What should the coach do?(写作)
  18. Why are you interested in GWU MSBA?
  19. What types of problem that can complicate the analysis?
  20. Self Introduction.
  21. 你的本科学校带给你什么了?
  22. 奖学金里面,哪个是你最 proudest 的,为什么?
  23. 一个学生社团,让我多讲讲。
  24. 还申请了其他什么学校的什么项目?
  25. 有没有什么其他东西希望加到 application package 里面的?
  26. Why MSBA in GWU?
  27. Share a project in which you use different sources of information to do the analysis.
  28. Please tell me why you are interested in George Washington University’s specialized Master’s program in Business Analytics.
  29. Please name two or three software programs that you find the most useful.
  30. Please tell me why you are interested in George Washington University’s specialized Master’s program in Business Analytics.
  31. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.
  32. Why GWU?Why the MSBA program?
  33. I’m very interested to know your professional goals, can you tell me a short-term goal and a long-term goal that you aspire to?
  34. When you are not studying or working, what are your favorite things to do in your free time? HOBBY
  35. I would like you to tell me about a project where you took information from different sources and did an analysis.
  36. Please name two or three software programs that you find the most useful.
  37. Please discuss the various steps you take during an analysis project.7. What skills do you possess that you would like to share with your professors and with your classmates?
  38. What will be the challenge in an analysis? / What brings big problem in an analysis?9. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?
  39. Tell me more about yourself.
  40. Tell me more about your undergraduate school.(surroundings,how's the life living & studying there)
  41. 问我的社团。(自己创办了一个公益社团)
  42. 平时会干啥?
  43. 来美国学习有啥感受?
  44. 补充问我还申了哪些项目?
  45. Why GWU?
  46. 简历上的相关问题,实习与论文都做了什么?
  47. 毕业前的这半年准备做什么?
  48. Tell me about yourself.
  49. 介绍一下自己的大学。
  50. 为啥选择这个大学?
  51. 社团活动。
  52. 平时不学习干嘛?
  53. 还申了哪些别的?
  54. Why MSBA program in GWU?
  55. Share a project in which you use different source of information to make analysis.
  56. Do you know someone who study in GWU? What program are they study in?
  57. Skills you want to share with you professors and classmates.
  58. Two or three software programs and their advantages.
  59. Your short-term and long-term career goal.
  60. Self-introduction;
  61. Why you like Washington DC?
  62. What will you do in your spare time?
  63. Anything outside your resume you want to tell me?
  64. Which honors are you most proud of?
  65. Which universities have already given you offer?
  66. Do you want to go to Maryland or go to GWU?
  67. Any questions for me?
  68. Self Introduction.
  69. About volunteer experience,楼主写了好几段,小哥让挑一段详细讲一下。
  70. 有没有什么补充想要介绍的?
  71. Any question.
  72. Tell me more about yourself.
  73. 针对简历问学校、实习、课外活动。
  74. 平时喜欢做什么?
  75. 有没有 application 里面没有的想要补充。
  76. 自我介绍。
  77. Why Washington DC?
  78. 社团。
  79. 兴趣爱好。
  80. 有什么想补充的?
  81. What are you doing now?问我现在在干嘛,是在做实习还是在学校做项目?
  82. 围绕着我之前的 internship 问了一些问题:比如在哪里做的,工作内容是什么?
  83. Why GWU?
  84. Career goal.(short-term + long-term)
  85. Have you applied for other programs?
  86. Q&A.
  87. Why GWU?
  88. Career goal.
  89. 有什么申请材料里没有的想要分享吗?
  90. Q&A.
  91. Go through 一下学校和实习经历。
  92. Why GWU?
  93. Career goal.
  94. Q&A.
  95. Tell me more about yourself.
  96. What attracts you to come to GWU?
  97. Any questions?
  98. Brief introduction.
  99. WHY GWU?
  100. Career goal.
  101. Questions.
  102. Brief introduction
  103. 说对我学生会工作经历感兴趣,问我介不介意多讲点
  104. Know more about my hobbies
  105. 对于 GWU 和 Washington dc 的生活有没有什么期待,我就当 WHY SCHOOl 回答了
  106. 给我讲了讲接下来的录取流程,说他打完分交给上一层,she will be fast,所以他相信下周就可以知道结果。(我问你们不放春假吗,他说学生放老师不放,真是 sorry to hear that)
  107. 还申请了什么项目,都有些啥结果。我就很诚实的说了。
  108. 最后问我有什么问题,我就问了 career placement,他说他刚来并且项目很新,虽然没有明确数据,但他相信项目毕业生还是非常 competitive。 美国小哥讲话还是非常快,音很开(不知道怎么形容大概就是感受到说话的时候嘴要横向张比较大才能有那种发音,就很美式)精确到词可能听不全懂。




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