
[已录] Case Western MSBA Kira 2019 面经 [2019.02.01]

[日期:2019-03-11] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Cheryl_ [字体: ]

【更新】2.27 凌晨收到 offer。

起了个大早,赶着把 Kira 录完了。


  1. 60 s + 120 s:Self-introduction, 有没有学过 linear algebra, calculus1, calculus 2,并说清楚具体的本科对应的课程。
  2. 写作 8 min: Why case? what interests in Weatherhead? how Weatherhead help you achieve your career goal? how to enrich the learning environment in Weatherhead?
  3. 45 s + 90 s:Share us other programs and schools you applied, reason?
  4. In the past, how have you ensured that team members were informed of details of an important project or organizational development? How did you keep them informed?
  5. Please give an example where you analyzed information to inform a decision maker. How steps did you take, and how did your analysis affect the decision?
  6. What is the most innovative idea or solution that you have ever come up with? What improvement did the idea offer?
  7. Please give me an example when you helped a team member at work or at school. What did you do, and how did it turn out?
  8. (60 s) Tell me the most interesting thing about yourself that I won't discover elsewhere on your application.




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