
2016-2017申请季 IC ESB 面经大全 [2017.02.10]

[日期:2017-04-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:stefani_cam1023 [字体: ]

楼主是是2017fall master申请人,于三月底拿到IC Economics and Strategy for Business的offer,准备面试时楼主尽最大可能搜集了论坛、微博、队友等各种渠道的esb面经并进行了充分的整理和准备,面完一个月后成功拿到offer虽然已经接近申请季末尾,但还是希望回馈一下论坛和所有在申请季帮助过我的战友和前辈们,把好东西分享给还正在努力的或者下一个申请季的朋友们嘻嘻~


ESB 面经整理


  1. Fail
    a) a time you felt that lacked the skills required for a specific task and what did you do
    b) fail to achieve a goal 的经历
    c) 说说你做事遇到 setback 的经历
    d) 为了完成目标遇到了什么困难?如何克服的?
    e) Time achieved goal under difficult circumstances

  2. Team work
    a)与团队中人/leader 意见不合的时候,你是怎么跟 opposition 面对面交谈的/表达你的观点
    b) 时间有限的情况下 作为 leader 要怎么 motivate 大家
    c) 小组活动中有个组员犯了个错误,你该怎么做才不影响整个组的积极性
    d) Share a non-academic teamwork experience what's your role
    e) work in a team with people you don’t know, what role will you assume to take
    f) 团队里的人不同的 personality 和 objective 怎么 adapt your approach (发挥每个人的最大效用?)
    g) outside the classroom, tell about a time when you’ve accomplished a goal as part of the team 从中学到了什么?
    b) How do you get along with your community out of classroom and impact on you

  3. *Community
    a) Charity or community project you valued
    b) How do you get along with your community out of classroom and impact on you
    c) your contribution to community work

  4. Hobbies
    a) Hobbies you have pursed to a high level
    b) A time you have to demonstrate high level of drive to achieve a goal(为了 goal 做了怎样 high level 的努力)
    c) 学习工作之余最大的爱好/greatest passion/ambition 是什么?你怎么 go for it 的?为什么兴趣爱好很重要?
    c)* Out of school, what is the most adventures things you do
    e) 在课外最大的成就是什么?对你的职业生涯有什么帮助或影响?
    e)* 你从你的兴趣和 hobby 中学会的技能,以及这个技能怎么影响你的工作和生活c) 学习工作之余最大的爱好/greatest passion/ambition 是什么?你怎么 go for it 的?为什么兴趣爱好很重要?
    c)* Out of school, what is the most adventures things you do
    e) 在课外最大的成就是什么?对你的职业生涯有什么帮助或影响?
    e)* 你从你的兴趣和 hobby 中学会的技能,以及这个技能怎么影响你的工作和生活

  5. Yourself
    a) 如何向你的 boss 介绍你(self-introduction),告诉他你的 passion
    b) 什么因素让你在 employment 中更有优势/之前的经历怎么为找工作加分
    c) great ambition? how to pursue it?/one of your goals and how to meet it
    d) which attribute of you is important to success
    e) If a new colleague comes, how will you build relationship with him/her
    f) 本科生阶段最大的成就是什么(greatest achievement in undergraduate year),对研究生的学习有什么帮助
    g) 朋友觉得你的性格如何
    h) How to introduce yourself in job hunting
    i) How to make employer remember you at job hunting
    j) How to differentiate yourself from other candidates
    k) Future plan in 5 years and 10 years
    l) 如果这是你来 ESB 的第一天,你怎么向同学介绍自己
    m) Describe a time when you have worked hard on a project that benefitted others, outside the classroom. How did this make you feel?
    n) How would you define success in your career, and how will you measure your progress?
    o) 你要跟老板就一个早该执行的晋升进行谈判,她很犹豫,怎么办?
    p) 你最看重的事业是什么,如何做去支持这个事业

  6. ESB
    a) How will ESB affect your career plan/ 毕业后面市一家公司,esb 带给了你什么让你适合那个岗位,跟面试官说
    b) 学习 ESB 最大的障碍是啥,如何解决这个障碍?
    c) Achievement and how does it relate to your MSc study

Writing: 5min no more than 250 words

  1. How to prove you are a valuable addition to IC? / What values will you bring to IC/ESB, including skills, abilities?
  2. What do you expect from your classmates and what do you expect to bring to IC student community?
  3. 怎么知道 IC 的? 什么 inspire 你来申请的
  4. 怎么样积极地加入 IC 的 community
  5. esb 怎样帮助你对社会做出贡献
  6. How can EBS help you for your career ambition
  7. What is ESB different from program in other school
  8. 如果你开始上 ESB 你觉得针对于 program content 有什么挑战吗 你现在有什么准备去 克服吗
  9. describe something you learned when you work independently
  10. 第一位能激发你去做你的 career 的动力是什么?
  11. The change of career plan/goal
  12. 给本科生的经验
  13. the most exciting part of studying in London
  14. childhood hero and his inspiration
  15. 以前是自己的缺点后来通过努力变成自己的优点的事
  16. ESB 有许多课程你觉得他们对你的职业有什么帮助呢,why 举例
  17. ESB 哪里吸引你了?
  18. esb 专业学习和你本科的差别
  19. 对 IC 最期待的是什么,为何选择 IC

Noun explanation:

  1. 如何计算一个产品的 market demand
  2. Difference between inflation and deflation and why do politicians and economists do not like deflation
  3. Ownership and property right
  4. 价格歧视 price discrimination
  5. 如何说一个公司有 market power
  6. Quantitative easing 量化宽松
  7. 关于供需函数的题
  8. assume coffee demand is a horizontal line, what will happen if you increase the price of coffee?
  9. tax incidence 税负归宿
  10. Imagine that you would like to open a small ice-cream shop, and know that up-front start-up costs are 50,000 pounds. You also know that every year the business will generate about 20,000 pounds in profits. How would you decide whether your business idea is financially viable?
  11. 为什么 innovation 不一定会提高 firm productivity
  12. Market structure 市场结构分为哪些
  13. Barriers to Entry 进入壁垒
  14. 如果你领导一个项目资金使用完了 如何劝说投资者继续投你的项目
  15. Will domestic company be affected by currency exchange rate fluctuation and explain
  16. Some people think domestically oriented companies' market share and profits cannot be affected exchange rate fluctuation. Do you agree and why.
  17. buy side 和 sell side 的区别


  1. The average height of your family is 170cm, your brother married a woman whose height is 150cm. How will the average height change
  2. 计算薪酬 median 中位数(1.salary 30,000 to 70,000, what is the median 2.均匀分布,求中 位数)
  3. 去年工资 100,000,今年 150,000,求 growth rate of salary
  4. 对数(logarithm)函数在 x=1 时的函数值 y=ln x 对数函数 (logarithm)的图像是凹 (Concave Function)/凸(Convex Function)/直线形状
  5. 一辆车每年折旧 depreciation 1/4,几年后市值为零
  6. 计算斜率(1.slope of the horizontal line 2.slope is 0.5 at any point, the curve is a __ linear? curve?)
  7. Variable A and B are uncorrelated, how will A change if B increases/ drop ………………………………positively correlated, what happens to B if A drops
  8. 关于 expected return
  9. 2 students out of 7 get loan, there are 280 students this year, how many will get the loan
  10. 喝咖啡 50%概率 instead of tea, 20%概率吃 cookie,求既喝咖啡又吃 cookie 的概率
  11. 你祖父母辈平均身高 150cm, 每代长 10cm, 你孩子平均多高
  12. If there is 2% probability of becoming celebrities, for 100 people, how many people could not become celebrities?




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