
Ic msc finance hkust msc im 面经 [2017.03.13]

[日期:2017-03-15] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:cara酱 [字体: ]


ic的mscfinance采用的是kira面试,相信搜一下已经很有多前辈描述过了,一共五个题,一个written四个oral,oral 30秒准备时间说一分钟,written不超过250字写五分钟。


  1. Describe a time you experienced challenge, how did you overcome it?
  2. Tell us one of your most “unusual” hobby
  3. If you were working in a team and the project wasapproaching deadline, how would you motivate your teammate
  4. How do you plan to become an active part at ImperialCommunity? (Written)
  5. Tell us one piece of financial news that isparticularly interested to you

然后是hkust。一面比较起来其实挺轻松的,面试官也不会很刁难你,基本上十分钟侃一侃就过去了,但是国内的朋友一定要记得去个信号足的地方啊!楼主最近在国内实习,面的时候信号简直爆炸。。最后只能和面试官从视频切到语音。。。 问题真的很basic,大概说一下:

  1. I have seen from your resumethat you graduated early, what inspires you to apply for a master degree? (我之前说了我在实习是溜出来面试的所以用了手机,她就顺着问了我实习的事情)
  2. How’s your internships, whatkind of company and what is your daily responsibilities? 然后challenge了一下我的成绩单,说我成绩都很好但是莫名挂过一次科,让我解释下为啥。。
  3. what is your future careerplan and why do you want to do ibd? Which particular section you wanna work in?
  4. any questions for her?



  1. 描述一次你have a high level of drive to achieve a goal/ Tellme about a time you met a challenge in achieving a goal. how did you meet thechallenge?/描述一次你在achieve a goal中遇到了setback?
  2. 如果你的team里每个人personality不同,你会怎么做?How to lead a team with different personalities?/If you are leading a team and the teammates allhave different personalities. How will you get the best out of them?
  3. 如果你的team里有人不合,你会怎么解决?
  4. 如果你的项目资金短缺,你要怎么样向人推荐来筹钱
  5. 如果你跟leader的想法有冲突,你会怎么做?
  6. 你在面试中,要怎么样向面试官自我介绍?/电梯里遇到你仰慕的boss,怎么介绍自己? /Introduceyourself for the interview of your dream job, show your confidence./In the firstclass at imperial, how would you introduce yourself to your classmates?
  7. 你在career fair中怎么样让那个公司的人记住你?/If you meet a recruiter from your dream company in a career fair, how would youmake him to remember you and how to distinguish yourself from other candidates?
  8. 解释retail和corporate banking的区别
  9. 说一个最近你感兴趣的金融新闻
  10. 说一下你想在financial sector的那一块工作?
  11. 金融危机的影响
  12. what is the role of your career path and it is donot work, what is your plan B
  13. what research have you done about your career andwhat was it help
  14. f your project is at deadline how you motivateyour teammates.
  15. whats your ambition(passion?) outside study, howyou have done to achieve this?
  16. What steps have you taken to prepare for yourfuture career?/ one of your future goal and your approach to it/ What is your future goals and what are you doingto meet it? /
  17. how do you keep your news up to date? Why is thisimportant in business world?
  18. Describe a time when you failed to meet a deadlineand how did you deal with it?
  19. How did you spend your time outside your study orwork and why./ What do youlike to do outside of the classrooms?/ What's your passion outside studies and how didyou pursue it?
  20. What do successful global businesses have incommon?
  21. If you are given 1, 000 to invest, where would youinvest and what factors would influence your choice?
  22. 说一个你在完成一个goal时遇到的setback,以及如何克服的
  23. 你发现你的teammate 犯了一个错误,你要怎么在不伤害他的motivation的同时提醒他(面经里没有的)
  24. 你要怎么advise 你一个没有financial aware的朋友为retirement 投资(卧槽这个问题最懵逼……)
  25. The most unusual hobby/interest
  26. how development in technology influences thefinance sector?/ give example of technology change to financial sector
  27. goal of life
  28. how do you define success in career?
  29. 现在你有一笔钱,你会投资在什么领域,为什么?
  30. What's one of the important skills developed fromyou hobbies or interests?
  31. How do you see the Brexit vote affecting thefinancial industries based in UK?
  32. 什么时候第一次知道我们 商学院,什么inspire you apply
  33. Shouldcompanies like Google and Apple pay more taxes?
  34. Givean example of how your previous experience has prepared you for a Master's at our School.





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