
Kira 注意事项 和 WUSTL 个人总结题库 面经 [2017.02.03]

[日期:2017-02-24] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:肉果果 [字体: ]

楼主申请的是MSF,大部分学校都要求kira interview.之前完全没有听过,论坛上看到很多吐槽它有多坑的帖子,在使用过程中也有很多问题,在网上没有找到解决的方案。




1.kira 是什么?


在申请后,学校会给你一个链接,点击进入后就是kira interview的网页版。筒子们可以使用网页版或者app进行面试。建议网页版,角度会比较好。但是如果在之后测试硬件时怎么都搞不定,还是用app吧。app在apple store里有,名字就是kira interview,绿色图标,很有辨识度,我就不贴图了。


第一项是 : 一般是一个学校的简介,你申请哪个就是他们自己录的一个介绍。我经常点开了加载不出来,并不是什么大问题。看不到也可以继续进行,没有影响。

第二项是 : kira这个应用要求你自已注册一个这个网站的用户。邮箱最好使用你的申请邮箱。很简单,也没有验证码什么的好像。

第三项就是 : 出现很多问题的硬件测试关,包括了测试你的浏览器,是否安装adobe flash,测试上传和下载的网速,测试摄像头和麦克风。

第四项是 : practice,每次会有两个问题,需要注意的是practice的要求可能和真正录制时的要求不一样。比如:practice是准备30s,录制1min,但是正式录制可能是录制1.5min。



如果用app的话,你需要用你注册这个软件的邮箱和一个access code进行登录。
access code是: 在打开网页版后的所有准备项下方的一行小黑字,一般是4位,所以学校提供的网页链接是不管使用什么方式都要首先打开的。输入这两个信息后,就会直接进入你的pratice页面。这就是用app的好处,不需要调试硬件,节省的时间都是2-3个小时啊啊啊。(楼主个人情况)
pratice是: 两个问题一周期。可以多次测试。之后直接进入正式录制。

2. 网页版的device setup 怎么搞!

第一 :是折磨的楼主已经学会了淡定。一边搞都能一边干点别的了。

第二 : 需要在浏览器内安装adobe flash插件,就是看视频的用的。如果大家不知道有没有装的话,提供一个傻瓜办法。随便打开一个视频网站,随便点开一个视频,能看的话就是装了,不能看浏览器会自动提示你安装,点击同意安装就行了。

第三 :就是测试download和upload的速度。
大家会看到一个圆,左边一半是下载速度,右边一半是上传速度。一个圆只要能走完,就是胜利,不管颜色怎么样。圆可能是一半灰一半绿,也可能是都绿或者都灰。绿色表示网速ok,灰色表示网速可能比较慢,也就是说有上传失败或者较慢或者卡顿的可能性。 一般上传会比下载慢很多。

1. 提高网速,搞个100M的带宽如楼主也会有失败的时候,还是经常。
2. 早晨5点起床,实测在早晨5-7点的时候经常很快。
1. 去网吧,但是呢,楼主去网吧可能是因为网吧设置问题,打不开这个网站...比较奇怪。
2. 试试试!今天不行明天来,总有一天网速快。

第四 :测试摄像头和麦克风。网站上这两项是分开测试的,楼主一起说了。
1. 摄像头很容易,网页会有提示,允许使用摄像头,选择记忆这个选项,adobe就会显示你的摄像头影像了。如果不行的话,看看是不是电脑问题。没有出现提示的话,在影像窗口上右键选 择设置。



用 https://www.onlinemictest.com/这个网站测试,不是广告,kira官网也是这么说的,贴出来省的大家麻烦地去看帮助了,大部分是没有用的!


为了方便search楼主加几个keyword大家可以忽略: kira microphone setup cannot catch hear 麦克风调试失败 听不到声音 不能录入






其实学校的问题一般就是个人问题,经历问题,还有why us。



  1. what the three important thing to you
  2. Describe an object that is special to you
  3. Describe an object that is important to you
  4. what is the most excited thing coming to us.
  5. How do you ensure that you consistently improve yourself?
  6. your ideal study environment
  7. Are you a good listener or talker?
  8. 你最喜欢的家乡的食物
  9. what one rule that you disagree with(从小到大一直不同意的一个rule/opinion)
  10. What are you going to do this weekend?
  11. How do you celebrate your accomplishments.
  12. What are the three most important things to me?
  13. 你最近送的礼物 (A gift you gave someone most recently)
  14. Please share with us how you like to celebrate your birthday.
  15. the thing excited you most to go to the U.S
  16. What is the funniest story that happened to you recently?
  17. 人生中收到最好的建议
  18. 你以前不知道后来学会的一件事
  19. if you were to go back to a historical moment, what do you want to experience and why
  20. Describe a person you respect and how they earned your respect.
  21. What’s the first thing you will notice when you meet a person.
  22. If you have a chance to go to Mars, but you can’t see your families any more, will you go there?
  23. If you have a boat, how you name it?
  24. Tell me something that makes you excited.


  1. Tell us your experience with another culture. What's the difference and similarity?(tell an experience work with someone with different culture) Favorite
  2. which business leader or ceo do you want have dinner with why
  3. 你最喜欢的一位老师或者教授;
  4. 一位你尊敬的leader (talk about a leader)
  5. which leader you admire most
  6. Tell me about your favorite teacher or professor
  7. Which author past or present do you want to have dinner with?
  8. tell me about your favorite movie and how it impacted your life
  9. Your favorite childhood memory.
  10. which musician would you like to have dinner with and why
  11. who you respect and why
  12. favorite holiday
  13. great author you want to have dinner with.
  14. tell me about a professor who helped you, by example
  15. Your favorite movie and how it impacts you


  1. 给人类带来最大益处的发明是什么,它有害处吗
  2. 如果你有机会发明东西推动科技发展你会发明什么
  3. Describe the thing you can not live without it and why.
  4. In your opinion, what advances in technology do you foresee in the future?
  5. if you can change one thing in the world,what is it?
  6. Think about an invention benefit to humanity? Also do you think the invention have negative effect to society?
  7. If you could create one thing to advance technology, what would it be?
  8. How will technological innovation shape the economy in the coming decade?


When is the last time you sent someone a gift? How did you select the gift?


How to brew the perfect cup of tea or coffee


  1. what would you like to do for fun
  2. 一件你以前不会做的事
  3. 什么会让你excited.
  4. What do you like to do with friends (what is your favorite activity to do with your friends?)
  5. What do you usually do with your friends?
  6. What is your favourite sport?
  7. 每天起床第一件事是想到什么?
  8. The funniest thing that have happened to you recently


  1. Describe your hometown.
  2. your favorite landmark in your country


  1. Tell me about a successful company and why do you think it is so successful?
  2. As the world population ages, what do you think would be the challenges for future business leader?


  1. Tell me about a time when you had to analyze information and make a recommendation. Was the recommendation accepted? If not, why?
  2. Talk about a time when you were faced with a challenge and attempted to do your best.
  3. Describe a difficult assignment, what you learn from it?
  4. Tell an experience you meet new knowledge of business working within an organization. What have you learned from that?
  5. Talk about a time when you were faced with a challenge and attempted to do your best.
  6. Identify the most difficult assignment you have had and tell us what you learned from the experience.
  7. greatest leadership achievement
  8. Talk about something that makes you excited.
  9. the importance of communicating and building relationships with people from different countries
  10. Tell an experience you meet new knowledge of business working within an organization. What have you learned from that?
  11. An example of a problem you solved in a unique or unusual way
  12. Explain your personal mission statement
  13. 你最想让别人了解你的一方面
  14. Tell me about a time when you had a complicated problem to solve.Describe how you identified or gained a better understanding of the problem.
  15. let us know more about you (share one thing that you want people to know more about you)
  16. what do you think innovative company should be like
  17. 分享一件你不成功的经历
  18. Why this is the right time for you to pursue a graduate program?
  19. Describe the biggest obstacle you have met and how you solved it.
  20. last time you saw a benefit
  21. One innovative idea of you, and how you use it to solve the problem.
  22. If you can choose team memembers , what do you look for?
  23. 团队中的人来自不同的背景有什么好处
  24. Tell one thing that can make people know more about you.
  25. 给你的社区做了哪些贡献?
  26. 讲述最近你做的一个presentation。
  27. describe a decision you had to make when you know it will be unpopular
  28. describe a time when you had to lead
  29. 一个组织内,不同的area 的知识,对你有什么帮助
  30. Tell me one of you experience as a leader.
  31. What is your favorite undergraduate course and what influence it has on your education?
  32. Describe one time that you sell an idea to your classmates and what is the result?
  33. make a change是有益的
  34. 如何和有language barrier的人有效的沟通?
  35. How do you keep up with new trends in your industry?
  36. Tell me a time you discovered a problem before others.
  37. Describe a difficult situation you anticipated, the action you took and the outcome.
  38. Tell me about a time when you did or said sth. and it had a positive impact on a fellow student or co-worker.
  39. Talk about a time when your expectations were not met and how you responded.
  40. Tell us the major challenges you have faced at school or in your jobs over the last year. What made them so?
  41. What specific tactic have you used to combat a negative attitude (either yours or someone else’s). Give an example.


  1. Describe how you want to be involved with the Olin Business School after graduation?
  2. The biggest challenge in this program.
  3. Why do you think this program is important?
  4. what factors make you choose Olin
  5. What do you see as your next step from a career perspective after graduating from this program?
  6. Why did you choose Olin? What about our culture or resources appeals to you?
  7. What criteria did you use when selecting which graduate schools you would apply to?
  8. What do you see as your next step from a career perspective after graduating from this program?




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