
Schulich video essay & written essay 经验分享

[日期:2017-01-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:我才看到 [字体: ]

楼主今天闲来无事(忙里偷闲)来为大家分享一下有关York U的Schulich商学院的video essay和written essay的相关经验和题目。



video essay是去年才弄得,个人理解是测试申请者的反应能力和口语能力。written essay是这次才有的,主要测试申请者的书面表达能力(写出来是not polished 的语句也没关系,因为只要在规定时间内表达清楚自己的意思即可,不需要像考托杀鸭的时候一样用很精美的语句)






  1. 一幅图值千字 你认为对不对 one pic worth thou words.
  2. 特殊情况下,你会向manager要更多time or money to complete ur task?
  3. what do you miss most when being a kid? 当你没有get all facts的时候要怎么做决定?
  4. superpower你想拥有什么超能力。q2:tricky problem讲个遇到困难的经历,怎么解决的。然后网不好,录着录着断了,重新点进去出来了个新问题:长颈鹿,大象,狮子里挑一个组team
  5. follow new fashion trend in workplace很重要,你同不同意
  6. how do you convince people & what did you learn last week/written:the impact of self-driving car
  7. 一年中最喜欢什么时候;#2:怎么让别人相信你;#W:手机的坏处。大家加油~
  8. What's the #1 played song in your iPod and why?
  9. how do you go about convincing people?
  10. Written essay: what's the impact of self-driving cars(这题之前CD上就有人提到啊)
  11. if a picture worth a thousand words(说实话不太懂题目)Q2:你什么时候向别人寻求,essay:如果可以穿越时空,你会穿越回哪里?
  12. If all members of society were required to be fingerprinted, the world would be a safer place. Do you agree or disagree, and why?
  13. 如果可以选,你要谁来当你的父母
  14. 遇到的困难,怎么解决那道。
  15. 写作也是social media。
  16. 上周学了什么
  17. 如果你的boss给你的assignment没有清楚的要求,你要怎么办?
  18. 作文是你更想做一个成功的科学家还是有名的演员,嗯。。。反正不管
  19. If you were an admission director at the schulich school of business, what would be the three most important characteristics in an applicant that you would look for.
  20. If you wrote a book about yourself, what would the title be and why?
  21. What was the last movie, TV show or that moved you?
  22. If you were immortal for a day, what would you do?
  23. Is a picture worth a thousand words?
  24. If each day lasted 26 hours, what you do with the extra time?
  25. What’s the best mistake you have ever made?
  26. Which super power would you like to have?
  27. In order to complete a task, you need to ask your boss for more time or more money. which will it be?
  28. You are stranded on a desert island. You can have people from three different profession there with you. Who do you choose?
  29. You need to design a t-shirt for 80 employees. What are the first three steps you would take?
  30. A time you were stuck in a tricky situation. How did you handle it?
  31. On what occasion do you recognize that you need the help of others?
  32. Describe the most difficult problem you have ever encountered at work .what made it difficult?
  33. How would you handle a boss who gave you an assignment with vague instructions and requirements?
  34. 长颈鹿狮子大象





打印 | 录入:steven


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