
MIT Video Statement 面经汇总

[日期:2017-01-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:小飞行 [字体: ]

哈喽 我又来攒人品啦~



虽然很想去 但毕竟是陪跑...大家继续加油

我自己的题目: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

附上群里大家总结的面经吧 我补齐了CD和大家聊天记录里面刷过去的部分 不过这也只是一部分...在我录的前几个小时我就停止收集面经了...希望后来人补齐吧!!!

最重要的是:最最最感谢的是群里的各位大神 为我们贡献了这么多面经!!!希望我们所有人都有好运气!!!Offer多多!!!

  1. Who is the greatest influential people in your life?
  2. Other than phone, what can’t you live without?
  3. 5岁时的梦想/ What do you what to be when you were five years ?
  4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  5. What cartoon character do you relate the most?
  6. How do your friends describe you?
  7. 小时候喜欢的Super Hero/ Super hero that you like
  8. Favorite childhood memory
  9. What is your favorite celebrity and why you follow him?
  10. Who is your favorite celebrity and why?
  11. Living person that you admire most
  12. Tell me a recent news story you read made an impression on you...how did you feel?
  13. What super power do you want?
  14. 想在哪待一年/一周
  15. 最想去的地方
  16. What is your dream vacation?
  17. Talk about activities you would like to do during vacation
  18. 最喜欢吃什么?/Favorite food
  19. 最爱吃的食物?上次在哪吃的?
  20. Tell us your favorite restaurant.
  21. Tell me your favorite regional cuisine
  22. There are many different cuisines, which one do you like?
  23. What type of food do you typically eat during the winter holidays? (Hotpot)
  24. What was the latest book that you bought recently?
  25. The book you read recently
  26. 最近看过的书或电影,最想推荐哪一个?
  27. Last movie you watched
  28. Name a thing you want to own and why?
  29. 什么Motto伴随你的人生
  30. 假如你可以成为电影里的角色,你想成为谁,为什么?
  31. What movie would you make in your life, and what actor you will choose to play you?
  32. If they made a movie about you, what would it be like and which actor would you want to play your role?
  33. Do you prefer summer or winter?
  34. What is your favorite thing to do in summer?
  35. Your idea of a perfect day
  36. Which city or country you are hoping to visit?
  37. 如果你可以住在世界上的任何一个地方,你想住哪?
  38. Some colors related to winter while some related to summer. Which color attracts you.
  39. In a fight between a lion and a tiger, who would win and why?
  40. 如果可以选择两个人进餐,你选择谁,why?
  41. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
  42. 你有没有宠物?如果你没有宠物,你希望有个什么宠物?
  43. 谈谈读书对学生/自己的重要性的见解
  44. 谈谈对Being a life long student, read many books as possible as you can的理解
  45. What is your favorite hobby? Why?
  46. What’s your favorite way to spend your time?
  47. What activities do you like to do during your spare time for fun?
  48. What is your favorite music? Why?
  49. Is there one piece of music you can listen to over and over and never get tired of it? What does it mean to you?
  50. 你收到的最糟糕的礼物
  51. What personality do you dislike in other?
  52. 你遇到的kindest的事情
  53. Have you ever witnessed or participated in a “random act of kindness”? Describe it.
  54. 过去一周最开心的事
  55. Greatest achievement
  56. The hardest thing you have ever done?
  57. 如果你被扔到荒岛,你想要哪三样东西?
  58. What have you done to get rid of a tricky situation?
  59. First business case study
  60. 你吃过的最奇怪的东西
  61. Discuss a movie or television show you have watched recently and give three features of it.
  62. 被分到一个有不同兴趣爱好的人的房间,会怎么办?





打印 | 录入:steven


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