
16Fall 及 17Fall Kellogg MSMS video essay questions m面经[2017.01.05]

[日期:2017-01-18] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:李林思密达 [字体: ]

楼主跪着、擦着泪搞定了西北的video essay


虽然不一定能够去西北,但是楼主希望能够像Kellogg的学生一样inspire others

【16 Fall】MSMS video essay questions

  1. 你最喜欢的电影是什么
  2. What path are you interested in pursuing,how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?
  3. “最近读了什么文章,这篇文章怎样有趣”
  4. If you could live in any period of historyor the future, when do you want to live in and why?
  5. 你上过的最有趣的课是什么,为什么?
  6. What is the first website you look at orview in the morning?
  7. What is one of your unique or quirkyhabits?
  8. What do you collect? Why do you collect?Have you ever been a collector of anything?
  9. What is the job that you have worked on butnever want to work on again?
  10. If you were to go on an all-expenses-paidvacation next week where would you go and why?
  11. 古今中外你最想见到哪个人

【17 Fall】MSMS video essay questions

1.  Interesting thing you do outside class
2.  制定了一个目标没能实现的感想
3.  一次take risk的经历
4.  最喜欢的颜色
5.  What would be a thing that you wish to eliminate from your dailyschedule?
6.  What is your career goal and how will an experience at Kellogghelp you to achieve it?
7.  Tell me about an experience that you have diversified youracademic or social environment at your undergraduate institution.
8.  Talk about a team working experience when thoughts between theteam members could not be settled. What is the outcome?
9.  What is your most valued family tradition?
10.  Give me an example when you step out of your comfort zone andwhat do you learn?
11.  Give me an example when you have to alter your existed methodand what do you learn from that
12.  Favorite Movie
13.  Describe an environment make you thrive. What elements makesyou thrive?
14.  A time in a team when you were assigned a work that you didn’twant to do. How did you behave? What was the outcome?
15.  最想在在cafe遇到哪个名人?
16.  Do you collect anything? Why?
17.  Describe a dysfunctional teamwork and how you solved it.
18.  What's your biggest achievement?
19.  The time you got wrapped up by something you lost time track?How does it feel? Why?
20.  The time you became overwhelmed? How do you feel? How do youresponse?
21.  What's your passionate about?
22.  What motivates you to work hard?
23.  What's favorite thing about your career?



(2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdIfVBzjINY&t=29s&index=2&list=PLBX1FNFUWhpBD9Q4OGONbYHrmVNt2btK5




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