

[日期:2017-01-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:imererer [字体: ]

朋友们我们一起写邮件给case投诉Kira好不好!!!! 本来Kira就很恶心了。。case还要放8个题。。。我的第二题就一直掉线,preparation一半掉了。。。视频录一半掉了。。。。上传。。。又掉了

anyway 到最后我已经没别的想法只想赶紧弄完。。。


  1. 自我介绍+是否学过 linear algebra 和 calculus1 , calculus 2
  2. Case的项目有什么不同
  3. A time you make decision or recommendationswithout any guidelines, how you handled it and how it ends
  4. Writing: what other schools and programs.
  5. A new procedure that makes a difference to yourcommunity?
  6. a time when you have different opinion with yourteammate and how it ends.
  7. 申请CWRU对短、中、长期目标的影响
  8. 在一项任务的时候缺乏技能或者知识,怎么处理,结果是什么
  9. 说一个你分析一个问题的时候的步骤,结果是什么
  10. Please tell us about a time when you came up with a new solution to aproblem at work or school. How did you come up with the new solution, and whatwas the outcome?
  11. 团队能力到了极致的时候,你是如果发挥teamwork
  12. 为了以后的program你都做了哪些准备?
  13. 有没有一件超出你comfortzone的事情
  14. What do you do outside of work
  15. 有没有一个academic或extracurricular活动,教会了你一些重要的事情和道理
  16. 有没有一个project,对你人生有potential long-term影响,描述下影响,还有outcome
  17. A time to show appreciation to others and how they respond
  18. Please describe a time when you were asked to do something differently,or use unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort. How did youadjust to doing this differently, and what was the outcome
  19. New way you provide since best solution isn’t apparent and you had tointerpret guidelines or procedures. What did you do, and what was the outcome?
  20. Interesting thing about yourself
  21. Provide an example of a time when you required assistance from otherteam members to complete a project or activity. How did you agree on thedivision of tasks, and what was the outcome?
  22. 你在study和work之外最刺激人心的accomplishment是什么
  23. 有木有anticipate到过未来可能发生的obstacle,可能会create problem,然后你做啥去deal with这可能发生的问题
  24. 说一个你在的successful的team,是什么原因让这个team successful?
  25. Pls describe an unforeseen problem or difficulty you have faced in thepast. How did you go about solving a problem you weren’t anticipating?
  26. Ple tell us about a time when you implemented an innovative idea at workor school. How did you come up with the idea, and was the outcome of theimplementation?
  27. Describe a project that you worked on where you had to gather andanalyze vast amount of information. What factors were considered in analyzingthis information, and how did this information help with the completion of theproject.
  28. How you ensured that team members were informed of details of animportant project or organizational development ? How did you keep theminformed?
  29. How do you remain involved in your community outside of school and work?
  30. Unlimited time
  31. What experience in your life has had the most significant impact on youroutlook
  32. how you enrich learning environment at cwru
  33. Recognize everyone’s efforts in a group work, how you recognize and what outcome




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