
【已录|有奖】罗村University of Rochester MSMA 热腾腾面试 [2016-04-07]

[日期:2016-04-21] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:kristinchen [字体: ]



前提:blind interview

Q1: introduce yourself and walk me through your resume (楼主直接介绍education background, 略带一句毕业后的实习,然后就说两个人生观,每一点点到一两个experiences)

Q2: Why marketing?

Q3: Why now? Why not work for couples of years and come back for a MBA? (楼主说了因为internship所以知道了现在对marketers有data analytic skills的要求,但是本科没有给我足够的skills, 同时说明的教育和工作已经prepare myself well for the master study. )

Q4: Short term? Long term? How can you see yourself in 10 years? Plan-B. (面试官说了如果突然间government shut down, 想笑场。。。。。)

Q5: 然后突然间杀出一个type quetion.... (biggest mistakes and what you've learned from it) 总共有5分钟时间。最后一分钟会提醒。楼主慢悠悠的写了,还检查了一下语法。因为准备过。。。就在我以为没有questions的时候。。心里郁闷着以为我表现不好的时候, 面试官又抛出了问题。所以请亲爱的CDers遇到这个情况也要淡定,不是所有的type quetion都到最后。

Q6: strong point and weak point (Weak point楼主说了impatient,set up a goal and then wanna reach it as soon as possible --反面夸一下自己你懂的)

Q7:hobbies: 楼主说了六岁开始弹钢琴,喜欢音乐。喜欢运动,do shooting和ocean fishing,他明显很高兴。所以答应我这一part要好好把握,因为美国人到底还是喜欢活跃的孩纸~

Q8: any quetions for him? 楼主问了一个what types of students that simon is looking for? 然后小哥跟我说了其实UR的90%的applicants都是中国人或者from africa(很惊人有没有),所以他们不要只会读书不会出去drink a beer的人。然后就说social skills是多么多么重要,然后他边说楼主就拼命在想怎么接他的话来展现我的social skills。 所以其实问问题的同时我也建议就是想清楚怎么接话,有来有往气氛才融洽嘛~

总结一句就是UR的面试还是typical questions,但是admission要看到的还是你的social skills. 可以傻笑,可以完好无损地背出答案,但一定要确保互动互动互动~


Quetions Lists:
1:how do you know about simon?
2: what are the main tasks for your internship? The most important skills you've learned from it? Any difficulties? How could you get your internship?
3: dream company? why?
4: long term backup career plan? (short term有,long term也需要准备plan b)
5: one team experience. would you like to be a team player or a leader? what kind of leader you are? how to be a good leader? how to handle if someone in your team doesn't get along with others.
6:how do you presuade committee to admit you? (这里作者的思路是课上do active group discussion, communicate with professors, be a realible leader or a coodinator in any teamwork, 课后积极地参加extra-curricular activities,contribute to the diversity of simon's community; 最后找到一个好的工作然后成为outstanding校友return to simon)
7: imagine the form that future classes will be held
8: clubs/ after activities in simon
9: what would you do to prepare for the interview of your dream company (Cders可以说linkedin和glassdoor)
10:biggest challanges
11: how do you think your friends describe you?
12: pick up a color from rainbow
13: What are the biggest challenge for international students look for jobs in the us?

温馨提示是:楼主把所有的问题的答案都手打出来。。。就是防止任何一个问题会成为type question. 顺便可以查查语法,保证减少口语语法错误~

时间轴奉献一个:3/8/2016 递交申请
3/9/2016 under review
3/26/2016 面试预约
4/7/2016 面试
4/13/2016 录取通知,小蜜通知15% scholarship

心路历程: lz原来也觉得自己完全无望,毕竟g那么低,学校又没有任何排名,分分钟被大神秒杀。但是UR simon是一个很有人性化的学校,不只以成绩为衡量标准. 这一点希望所有的cders有足够的信心去尝试一下~ 因为就算被rejected,也只是多一封信而已~


Good Luck to Everyone! Wish you a bright future!




打印 | 录入:steven


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