
Bentley Video Interview

[日期:2016-01-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:浅浅S [字体: ]


1. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why?
2. What makes you different from other candidates
3. A time when your work was criticized and what was your reaction

FYI 邮件问AO说ddl是submit的ddl 然后video允许在之后10天内左右传上都不会被推下一轮

另附我整理的CDer提到的面试题目 以及提到次数 我也就准备了这些

1. What was your most challenging undergraduate course and why? +2
2. What's 3 "must" factors in a university +2
3. what do you look for in universities in terms of culture? +2
4. What makes you different from other candidates +2
5. Tell me one thing that is not on your resume but will make you stand out
6. What do you consider your strengths? Areas for improvement +2
7. 有没有经历过conflict,在其中的role,最后如何解决的
8. 你觉得最inspiring的一个leader (这个感觉可以套一下a person that inspires you) +2
9. Tell me about your last trip
10. Short-term and long-term career goal +2
11. 上次工作的令人满意的部分highlights,有什么想改进的 +2
12. 你在上次的employment 中最难忘的part是什么,如果有机会你会怎么样改善?
13. A time when your work was criticized and what was your reaction +2
14. a mistake you made and how you handle it
15. tell me a situation that shows your initiative +1
16. Give an example of a time you were assigned a task you did not want to do and how you motivated yourself to do it. +1
17. Please describe the time when you had to give someone negative feedback. +2
18. 在graduate program中,你觉得会遇到的challenge是什么?怎么克服? +1
19. have you ever experienced an ethic dilemma? What was it? How did you do? What would you do if you have another chance to handle the dilemma?




打印 | 录入:steven


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