
2015 Queen's MIB video essay 多题 + interview skype

[日期:2015-06-16] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:arkayz [字体: ]


总算有个机会回馈CD,希望对以后的申请者有帮助哈。赶了个末班车,申请这个项目一定要和Application Advisor保持良好沟通,另外有各种International Experiences是个大优势。

Rolling Admission, 2015 fall,Queen’s School of Business, Master of International Business MIB


5.7 Apply online

--小米上线,提示Application Form(Link), Resume(by email), UnofficialTranscripts (by email), Video Essays(Link)

--注册Kira Talent,然后无限practice怎么录VideoEssays

--上传Video Essays

--通过Video Essays,补材料Reference letters(link), PS(email), Original transcripts(EMS)

--资料到位,约Skype Interview,给Skype ID

--Skype Interview withKerri

6.10 Offer

Video Essays


1.    Describe a situation in which you have to express your idea skillfully
2.    An experience you have to work with people with different values
3.    An experience that a sudden change happened and caused negative impact on you and how did you deal with it?
4.    A time you lost your temper recently
5.    A time your classmates or friends challenge you
6.    What is the tolerance of risk? What actions help you succeed in your career
7.    What is the best way to choose a team leader? What are the qualifications that a leader should have
8.    How to handle the situation in which you made a big mistake and caused huge loss while nobody knew about it
9.    Understanding of cultural intelligence
10. What are the weaknesses of your resume
11. How to cooperate with people with different understanding of being on time?
12. How do you accept critics
13. What are the qualifications of a team player and why
14. What would you do if the long-hours working time has negative impact on your personal life and relationships
15. What is your favorite culture
16. How to work in multi-cultural environment
17. Tell me about a time when you had to adapt quickly to changing conditions to finish a task or assignment
18. Give me an example of a time when you had to present complex information to someone in a simplified manner in order to explain it to them
19. Tell me about a time where you had to make a decision without all the relevant information
20. Let’s just say you landed your dream job and you found out that your brand new company was under investigation for unethical practices. What would you do
21. A time got challenged as a team leader
22. A time you change your opinion after you received new information.

Interview Skype

Kerri 面试的, 人很Nice,大概面了28mins,问题如下:

1. CV questions (on international experience)
2. How do you know about the program?
3. Why the program fit you?
4. Where do you see yourself doing in long term?
5. Why ESSADE? Since the chosen double degree program is full, do you want to change? (ESADE 1 seat only each year)
6. What is important in working in a multicultural environment?
7. What do think of the international students who feel isolated by the Canadian society?
8. What challenges did you have in the first month when you went to XX?
9. Any questions. - Career Support


根据以往经验以这个Program申请work permit的话正常来讲应该是一年的,一般两年或以上的Program才给三年工签哈,但不排除念两个Master累计时间来申请三年工签,实际操作可行且不难,如果实在是想要三年工签的话。




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