
比较:MSF与MBA finance concentration

[日期:2005-07-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:kiwii [字体: ]

--  作者:kiwii
--  发布时间:2004-11-2 0:37:00

--  比较:MSF与MBA finance concentration

真心请教,MSF与MBA finance concentration的不同。


1. MSF:各个学校中master program的名字不一样,有的是master of science in finance, 有的是mathematical finance,或 computational finance。名字上的差别联系到实质的不同吗?我不想学太数学的东西,比如太多的modeling,programming。那么MSF中有没有可以适合的呢?

2. MBA: MBA中的finance方向不是特别侧重数学的东西,是我比较喜欢的。我之前的印象是没有工作经验不能申请MBA,但是刚刚看到有人说也行,只是不好申请奖学金。是这样的吗?

非常感谢大家在忙碌的申请中看我的帖子,希望有前辈能就这两个专业的侧重和申请进行一下比较。感谢any response!

--  作者:Taurus
--  发布时间:2004-11-2 14:10:00


1. MSF:各个学校中master program的名字不一样,有的是master of science in finance, 有的是mathematical finance,或 computational finance。名字上的差别联系到实质的不同吗?我不想学太数学的东西,比如太多的modeling,programming。那么MSF中有没有可以适合的呢?

这里你所提到的这些学位都是需要较强的数学建模能力和编程计算能力的(computational finance). 

如果对这些不感兴趣,  建议你不要申请..

--  作者:skysaber
--  发布时间:2004-11-2 23:32:00

--  作者:kiwii
--  发布时间:2004-11-3 6:07:00

--  作者:ceeyee
--  发布时间:2004-11-3 8:46:00



1. "这里你所提到的这些学位都是需要较强的数学建模能力和编程计算能力的(computational finance).  "

Master of science in finance is about traditioanl finance rather than financial engineering/mathematical/computational finance.

2. "没有工作经验不能申请MBA,但是刚刚看到有人说也行,只是不好申请奖学金。是这样的吗?"

This is true for Top MBAs, but not for all schools.

It\'s not hard to get admitted by 30-50s without working experience.

--  作者:Taurus
--  发布时间:2004-11-3 10:33:00


以下是引用ceeyee在2004-11-3 8:46:00的发言:


1. "这里你所提到的这些学位都是需要较强的数学建模能力和编程计算能力的(computational finance).  "

Master of science in finance is about traditioanl finance rather than financial engineering/mathematical/computational finance.

拜托..  traditional finance 不需要数学建模和编程吗?? 

另外,  数学建模和金融工程可不是一回事..  你曲解我的意思了..

--  作者:Taurus
--  发布时间:2004-11-3 10:37:00


强调一下,  建模是 modelling..  现在几乎已经没有什么经济和金融理论(经济金融史除外吧) 不是通过model 来演示的了..

编程计算(computation) 更是empirical finance 的主要工具之一.. 

目前对金融数据的分析特别趋向于最新的计量分析方法..  普通的计量和统计软件是根本满足不了需要的.. 


--  作者:雪域冰原
--  发布时间:2004-11-3 12:38:00


同意Taurus的观点,偶觉得现在computer programming的作用越来越重要了


严重推荐C++ (excel add-in C/C++)

--  作者:cheesedream
--  发布时间:2004-11-4 23:20:00



按我的理解,Master of Science in Finance和MBA Finance Concentration基本是一个东西。只不过将mba里其他东西剔除而已。只需要会用软件就好了,偏重business应用。

而financial engineer则类似个理科的学位,进行类似"derivatives research“的研究,好像要很多数学、编程的内容。

简而言之:将来在一个公司,MSF的人发现一个机会,提要求给financial engineer,fe们建模编程,然后给回msf的人去用。msf的人,也可能是个mba,whatever。


--  作者:chstc
--  发布时间:2004-11-5 16:31:00


有点跑题了。到底有谁能给出MSF和MBA-Finance Concentration之间的区别吗?


--  作者:yaowish
--  发布时间:2004-11-7 6:08:00


有点跑题了。到底有谁能给出MSF和MBA-Finance Concentration之间的区别吗?

NSF- concentrate on Science, focus on solving the financial problem by using the theory

MBA-F-concentrate on Management, focus on managing the ppl by using the superficial knowledge in finan

--  作者:yingtian1234
--  发布时间:2004-11-7 14:11:00


my view:

first of all: there\'s no "traditional finance" in this world, finance is a very dynamic science, you have to be on the cutting edge everyday, otherwise, you will LOSE money!

i want to answer your question from the job point of view:

we suppose a financial firm just looks like a telecom company:

MSF people just like the engineering dept, R&D or production department.

MBA people are in Sales and marketing units

just my thought.

--  作者:chstc
--  发布时间:2004-11-7 18:35:00


以下是引用yingtian1234在2004-11-7 14:11:00的发言:
my view:

first of all: there\'s no "traditional finance" in this world, finance is a very dynamic science, you have to be on the cutting edge everyday, otherwise, you will LOSE money!

i want to answer your question from the job point of view:

we suppose a financial firm just looks like a telecom company:

MSF people just like the engineering dept, R&D or production department.

MBA people are in Sales and marketing units

just my thought.

then what do financial engineering guys do???if all the msf guys stick into R&D dept
--  作者:雪域冰原
--  发布时间:2004-11-7 20:30:00


1.) MBAs are traditionally taught either through business case studies (especially at Harvard and Darden) or academic lectures and group study (especially at Chicago and Stanford). MS programs are typically lecture and research oriented, and more practitioner-oriented finance programs (quant and not) have an emphasis on realistic projects, like implementing interest rate models or estimating the value of a company\'s debt.

2.) For the type of jobs suitable for graduates from both programs after graduation, IBs hire both, but MBAs often follow well-defined tracks in underwriting, M&A or advisory, while "quants" often go to trading & structuring desks or research groups. MBAs also tend to become managers in related industries, while quants may be more likely to fill niches in prop desks and hedge funds.

3.) The advantages an MS in quant finance degree has over an MBA-finance in the recruiting stage includes: a.) you are specialized in a field of knowledge and actually learned deep finance in school, b.) there are far fewer hungry professional students who can compete with you compared to MBA graduations

--  作者:yingtian1234
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 4:56:00


hi, man

in my comments, MSF covers FE, QF, and MSF.

there\'s no huge diff between MSF and FE , if you are in these programs or go to some US schools\' page, you will find most of MSF\'s course are much similar with FE, .

say, if you are from MSF/FE/QF, you may find job like a deratives analyst, quant analyst or risk manager(actually RM are all phds even post phds), designing the products and pricing/trading strategy, hedge risks of your portfolio, arbitrage between different markets.you have to be very good at math and programming and modeling stuff(you have to let pc to compute)

if you are from MBA, you could be an analyst on trading desk, equity analyst, financial adviser or brokers, dealer, fund manager,

Please don\'t seperate FE from MSF, there are many overlapping knowledge there.

--  作者:chstc
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 8:58:00



Unlike an MBA program, we teach only finance and the related prerequisite disciplines (such as statistics, accounting, etc.). This allows us to do so at a much deeper level than in an MBA, and to incorporate all the interdisciplinary aspects of modern finance, such as financial mathematics, financial econometrics, computational finance, behavorial finance, corporate finance, etc. You should be aware that our courses are more demanding, and more quantitative, than a typical MBA course. In general, MFin graduates will not be as attractive as MBAs in the corporate finance and M&A areas where the non-finance parts of an MBA curriculum are useful. In fact, if that is where you really want to work, you would probably be better off following an MBA course of study. However, if you are interested in other areas encompassed within the modern investment bank such as quantitative asset management, risk management, derivatives pricing and trading, fixed income analytics and other areas where a quantitative background in the theoretical and practical aspects of modern finance is essential, we think our program is being recognized for both the quality of the students and the quality of the learning experience here. We also note that the world of finance is much broader than the traditional investment banking firms, with opportunities in insurance, commercial banking, commodities and energy trading and risk management in traditional industrial companies to name only a few. Our graduates are able to compete very effectively for these types of careers.

--  作者:chstc
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 9:00:00


MSF compare to mathematical or computational finance Master programs

Unlike mathematical or computational finance Master programs, we teach all of finance. This means for instance that we teach accounting, corporate finance, behavioral finance, etc., in addition to stochastic calculus, derivatives pricing, financial engineering, etc. We believe that our broad multidisciplinary approach to finance is an important advantage of our program, and that our placement record reflects it.

--  作者:zhu_eagle
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 12:38:00

--  作者:cheesedream
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 21:50:00


--  作者:chstc
--  发布时间:2004-11-8 23:03:00

do i know u?
--  作者:yingtian1234
--  发布时间:2004-11-10 2:50:00



please go to the course pages of some schools, whatever MSF or FE. you will find sth.

If you are in a MSF program, maybe you will feel like what i said.......

--  作者:fbfamous
--  发布时间:2005-1-15 17:21:00




--  作者:philikittist
--  发布时间:2005-1-15 18:56:00



一堆数学课的那种一般不叫msf,要叫个analytical,math,quant,computational Finance啥子的~


--  作者:mablechen
--  发布时间:2005-1-18 12:34:00



MBA finance concentration 工作经验要求严格,而且MBA相关的课多一些。



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