
新鲜面经~ Rochester MSA 13 Fall,with Andrew Brayda [2012-11-10]

[日期:2012-11-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ssdd246 [字体: ]

刚面完Rochester Simon MSA, with Andrew Brayda。一直基本处于潜水状态,正好这几天看到有也要面andrew的童鞋在问,而且CD上andrew的面经貌似很有限,于是就来分享一下~

一共面了40min,提前10分钟加的我skype,andrew人很nice,到点儿了会发个信过来告诉你:“可以打给我啦!”他应该是在上班,所以背景就是他的办公室,各种电脑文件什么的= =

上来没有太多寒暄,而且基本没让我插上什么嘴..就问了一句how are you doing these days,问了下我最近在学校里都忙些啥,然后就开始介绍这个面试,其间居然问了我一句:“Have you ever been to the Chase Dream?”..看来andrew深知咱们正在这里讨论他的面经…言归正传,总结一下问题:

  1. Self-introduction
  2. Internship,根据简历会问各种detail
  3. How did you get this internship?
  4. What do you learn from this internship, in terms of professional skills?
  5. Where did you first heard of Simon?
  6. Why Simon?
  7. 没问why MSA,直接问了why now?
  8. What do you want to learn in Simon? 我提到了networking skills, 于是他就追问了很多,比如在中国有没有networking的经历,为什么觉得它很重要
  9. Any challenge you foresee in MSA study and in career
  10. Any difficulty you will face in transferring from finance major to accounting? Can finance be your strength in accounting study?
  11. Career goals. 要求specific,比如company location
  12. Your strengths. [说俩即可]
  13. Any culture shock in international experience, any other international experience besides this winter camp. [我参加过一个UC,San Diego的winter camp]
  14. What do you usually do in your spare time besides XXX. [这个XXX是我在简历上明确写出来的一个兴趣爱好]
  15. Anything else you want to add to your application?
  16. Q&A,我问了how’s life living in Rochester,他就反问回来我以前有没有了解过Rochester,幸亏面之前去学校官网看了一眼啊= =所以andrew是一个很会追问的人,筒子们说话的时候要小心,千万不要给自己下套..

andrew问题还挺多的,绞尽脑汁回忆出了这么些,总而言之,就像论坛里早些时候关于andrew的帖子里说的一样,是个很和蔼但语速超快的人= =你说的时候他会低着头皱着眉拼命写,时不时给你来个“great”,他说的时候则会灿烂地微笑着看着你,就像Simon网站上他的那张照片一样..如果没听懂,不要有顾虑直接让他repeat

处女面还是有些紧张,但愿有好结果吧><!! 同为13Fall的童鞋们,大家都加油啦!! Good luck~



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