
Tulane Freeman MSF 面經 [29/3/2012]

[日期:2012-03-29] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:fattybabe [字体: ]
  1. why Tulane, why MSF
  2. ask about my residency.. my major in university, my GPA
  3. do you aware of this course is for people with no experience? and there will be a lot of younger people in class
  4. what is your short term and long term goal
  5. which company you want to work for
  6. tell me about leadership experience
  7. why we should choose you
  8. confirm my GMAT scrore and ask if i will consider to retake as my verbal is lower than my normal average ( i told her)
  9. did u apply for other school, which? any offer?10) tell me one major mistake you made in your college year? ( university)

非常好人,跟我說笑談天氣~  也跟我說他不是本地人 但new orleans真的很美. Placement也很high

好的學校admission是不同的 她跟我說可以hurry up 我的decision.. 就是有板有眼  ,不像Pace的亂糟糟



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