
HBS MBA Shanghai HUB面经 [2012-03-05]

[日期:2012-03-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:raymondsino [字体: ]


面试官是这几年一直在上海面试的Eileen Chang. 问的问题非常的多也很深刻,30分钟问了差不多17-18道题目。基本能问的都问了。总结一下就是生活了25年的逻辑全部被挑战了一遍,内心深处的东西被剥开仔细检查了一遍。



  1. Give me an update on your work - we talked about the project I am doing now
  2. Is there any opportunity of this market in China, how big is the market? Why do you think so?
  3. Do you enjoy your time being a consultant?
  4. We met a lot of talented consultants across Asia and China, how do you differentiate yourself from them?
  5. Why do you study engineering in XXXX University? Why to become a consultant afterwards?
  6. It seems like you are a well prepared person and make all good decisions so far, any regretted decision before? Give me an example.
  7. What is your career goal? What is it really like at the end?
  8. Why do you want to accomplish it within your company? Any alternative?
  9. What is the current status of social enterprises in Beijing? Give me an example.
  10. What do you think your recommenders comments on you?
  11. Your recommender from your current employer is a quite senior person. What is your interaction with him?
  12. What do you think he believe you should continue working on?
    13. What do you think other people view you? What is your leadership style?
  13. Anything you want me to know?
  14. Tell me one thing about you that would surprise me.
  15. Anything you want to know about HBS?
  16. What will you do to relax yourself respectively, if you get one hour, one day and one week ?

最后她说她认为她了解了所以希望了解的问题 说明了面试一下之后的流程。




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