
HBS MBA 面试Boston Campus [2012-03-02]

[日期:2012-03-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:ledazhou [字体: ]

今天早上飞到Boston,冷啊。。。听了一堂课,然后在学校里面晃悠了一下,参加了学生午餐,然后就到大厅等面试了。等的时候跟旁边的几个同学聊天,竟然料到高兴到没有看到面试官进来。整个面试感觉真的不像我一些朋友描述的那么恐怖,面试官非常好,没有给我任何压力 (虽然有时我话越说越多)。

唯一的感觉就是她知道你的所有事情,而且是非常非常清楚,我的70%问题是我的essays的。给大家的意见是对自己的resume和essays一定要know inside and out.

  1. When did you get in?
  2. Did you go to a class? How did you like it?
  3. From your essays, you seemed to overcome several huge setbacks. Can you share what made you have this strong personality?
  4. How do you think HBS can help you achieve your goal?
  5. What will you do to continue bridging the two cultures?
  6. What other industry are you interested in?
  7. What's your thought about sustainability of hospitality in China?
  8. What will scare you at HBS? - I told her I would modify the question to what my biggest challenge will be at HBS?
  9. Are you uncomfortable to speak at class?
  10. What can you bring to HBS?
  11. How do you make people follow with their heart? - I gave her an example about my tennis team leadership and she loved it
  12. Did you check out the tennis courts?
  13. What do you do to relax yourself?
  14. What's dragon boat racing?
  15. Do you have any questions for me?




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