
UT-Austin McCombs MBA面经 [2012-03-02]

[日期:2012-03-03] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:unicorn0130 [字体: ]


  1. 先是walk me through your resume, 中间校友时不时会停下来问问题,很多问题。
  2. 校友就“why MBA"这个问题穷追不舍,绕着圈问了好多遍,总说没有MBA也能怎样怎样
  3. 然后就是LT/ST career goals and why?  Do you know anything about your targeted industry?   How do you know you want to do this?  if you really want to do this, why did you choose to get a master's instead of doing this right after you graduated from college?
  4. 还问了很多很technical的问题,比如做valuation model都要考虑哪些factor,什么影响discount rate
  5. 还有what are you passionate about?
  6. Leadership example.  How do you define a good leader?
  7. Accomplishments, one personal, one professional.
  8. If you need to assemble a project team, your team member must possess what kind of characteristics?
  9. What make you feel frustrated at work?
  10. Any example of you go beyond the tradition and what's already established and defined.
  11. what kind of teammates you dislike?
  12. How do you handle a particularly difficult team member?
  13. Why our school? How can you contribute to the school?
  14. what other schools did you apply and why?
  15. Any question for me?
  16. ……

Questions continue, 我想不起来了。

总之你能想到的,我都被问到了。。。问题海量,但确定是福不是祸,这位校友说ta面了5个人,我是最后一个,我最后问了一句我在5人中是否算competitive(而且我说如果ta不方便回答可以不答),结果人家点头称是了。开心...所以我给各位还没面的童鞋真心的建议就是be yourself, be confident, be passionate,最后还有就是tell the truth.

BTW,还有个很开放性的问题 if you have two round way tickets, where would you go and whom would you take with you?



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