
2/9 Boston College(BC) MSA/MSF面经 [2012-02-09]

[日期:2012-02-10] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:lamonoui [字体: ]

刚刚放下BC 电话, 非常exciting非常fast pace,面试官说他叫 Christin(似乎是,口音有点重,可能是中东人)
上礼拜接到MSA Virtual Interview 通知,但是打电话过去换成电话面试的,就变成了MSF,而且是一个礼拜以后的今天。

开场白, 面试官说:I haven't looked at your application or your essays, so let's go through resume.
首先问: So you choose finance and accounting as your undergraduate majors, why?
然后:why you study both accounting and finance?
还有:what course you like most in undergraduate?
接着:tell me a typical day in your accounting internship
再后:which internship you like most? (resume上写两个internship)
再后:Why Boston College?
再后:What's your short term goal and long term goal?
再后:what other school you applied to? (很高兴这里能说only Boston College!!)

这时候9点25了,说Ok, it's about your time, and do you have questions?
我就问了他有什么学生社团, 能不能选本科课,然后问了他的背景:7年investment bank, 做过trader 还有fix income, asset management,现在回来读MSF而且在admission office工作面试学生。然后我问他喜不喜欢那里,他开始越来越兴奋说,I encourage people to work as analyst first and then here, because they will see things differently! You will see people screaming, and the environment is very stressful as well...最后还是我说的 very nice talking with you today :)

当中过程,每说完一个问题他都说perfect, 心里好高兴啊。。。老天保佑啊,真的只申了这一个学校啊~~大家有问题尽管问啊!



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