
LBS MiF面经+ 跪求选校建议![2012-02-05]

[日期:2012-02-06] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:win1105 [字体: ]

周末在香港某投行会议室, interviewer是个很nice的姐姐,做equity research的,给了我一些很好的建议。问题都比较casual, 偏聊天性质的,英语,1个小时,最后用中文聊了一些题外话。

  1. introduce myself, and some follow up questions on why I switched from Engineering to Finance etc
  2. why Mif, Why LBS (then we talked about the course, classmates, and life in London)
  3. details about my job and previous 1 job and 1 intern I did, and some followup questions about the projects I did, the client portfolio and the market (spend a bit more time on my work)
  4. what do I do in my spare time, any hobbies
  5. any questions I wanna ask her

真心跪求选校建议!!Cambridge MFin还是LBS MiF? 看在我辛苦share两个学校面经的份上,大家给点意见吧!

Cambridge: Pro=学校有名,以后如果回国或者在香港比较好用,毕竟名校是个敲门砖; Con=program比较新,alumni不多,career service不给力,学生比较少60左右,好像业内认可度不高,而且因为不在伦敦可能找工作不方便。

LBS:Pro = program在伦敦名气大,career service好,相对容易找工作,课程很实用,alumni都比较牛; Con = 读得会比较辛苦,在国内好像不是很有名(我爸居然问我是不是英国的三类校-_-'), 甚至有香港做IBD的人告诉我lse好过lbs,万一回来找工作我怕没有Cambridge好用。

PS: My background, graduate from a univ in HK, major in Engineering, high GPA, 1 semester exchange in the US, intern in Big name engineering firms. GMAT 720 (only 4 in writing), 1.5 W/E in HK Big four, and almost 1yr W/E in security house corp fin



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