
In @ U of Iowa (Tippie) 更新附面经

[日期:2011-03-07] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:rachelylc [字体: ]

我在1/15递交资料, 2月中interveiw, 面我的是Lydia, 题目和先前的面经几乎一样,
风格还算轻松, 不时会插入一些闲聊.

1. Do you think what motivates you to pursue MBA?
2. What do you want to do post MBA?
3. Imagine a situation that you are a first year MBA student and you are in a team of five students. You and other three students perform well, but the other student performs far behind your team. What would you do?
4. If you are an executive officer or some high level manager in your current company, and you can make two changes, what changes do you want to make?
5. Name two leaders you admired and tell me why.
6. Tell me a situation that you have two choices and both of them are legal, but one is more ethical and the other is less. What did you choose and why?
7. Why did you leave your previous employer? And why did you choose the current company?
8. Tell me something that is not in your resume.

顺序可能有些不同, 因为我太紧张记不清了, 不过题目肯定是这些没错
整体只面了约20 mins就让我提问了, 提问完她告诉我2月底或3月初会有结果,
所以总共大约是花了25 mins左右,
我虽然是有准备了基本题, 但太紧张了都没讲好, 反倒是没准备的题目临时发挥得还可以(->自己觉得)



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