
Yale SOM & Chicago Booth MBA Interview on the same day [2011-02-22]

[日期:2011-02-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:sania [字体: ]

今天面了两家,脑子有点糊了,尤其是Booth, 1个半小时,没吃晚饭很饿。。。趁还没有混在一起赶快写一写

Yale SOM - Interview with Adcom

  1. High School ECA
  2. Undergraduate experience, why my major, what I wrote for my graduation paper (unexpected)
  3. Why Yale, my CG
  4. Biggest PROFESSIONAL accomplishment
  5. Why my current job, what s my next step if i was to stay in that company
  6. How would my supervisor describe me, examples

全常规问题,面试官很straight fwd, 一个接一个问,时间很短,语速很快一共30分钟不到,面试官显得有点疲倦,面完我之后说我是今天的最后一个。。(当时刚中午)要回去nap, 因为jet lag

Chicago Booth - Alumni

  1. Walk thru my resume. 其中focus on why why why, why my decisions, my learnings from that decision
  2. What makes me different from my app pool - 讲了个好玩的创业经验,说服面试官我不是闹着玩的一时兴起
  3. My understanding to leadership and my leadership style - focus on my learnings, 面试官还有帮我总结
  4. Example of a difficult interaction
  5. Why MBA, my CG - 这个变成了一个很深入的讨论,有些问题稍微tough,我比较放松,所以很open minded地跟他讨论,就像在做一个biz plan的研究一样,讨论各种细节的可行性,其中面试官给了很多很不错的建议,但是我觉得最后我的goal也没能convince他。无所谓啦,讨论的过程我觉得收获还是挺大的
  6. Why Booth, What course and professor am I interested in
  7. Q&A, 我问了一个他觉得booth学生跟其他bschool有什么不同,马上他反问我,从之前的1个小时我觉得有什么不同,我提到了很detail oriented, like what Booth says: examine every idea. 他马上表示赞同,联系之前challenge我的cg, 说booth experience到处体现了这一点,互相challenge to generate new ideas.

整个过程很紧凑,虽然最后看已经1个半小时了,但是因为在不停地讨论所以感觉时间过得很快。目前感觉这个讨论我的收获多多,但是可能换个角度看是我的回答不够convincing,所以出来了很多follow up questions.

Anyways, 申请的所有学校到今天算是都面完了,尽人事听天命吧。我脑子彻底糊了,回家继续加班~



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