
刚收到第一个interview request

[日期:2005-02-26] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:zxrallen [字体: ]

--  作者:zxrallen
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 14:01:00

--  刚收到第一个interview request
刚收到第一个interview request,是来自Carnegie Mellon学校的,高兴之余不知该如何准备,有牛牛提供一下对interview的准备吗?另外这个学校的所有candidates有百分之几得到interview?interviewed candidates中有百分之几得到admission?
--  作者:mikelin
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 14:35:00

Congratulations! how is your background?

--  作者:mikelin
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 14:39:00

With regard to your question, you can reference the site, http://www.businessweek.com/@@gZwRi4QQ@Q3pbgwA/bschools/02/full_time_profiles/carnegiemellon.htm
It\'s a Math question.
1,781 people applied to the full-time MBA program in 2002. The school accepted 26% (selectivity) of those applicants.
In 2002, the B-school interviewed 60% of its full-time MBA applicants, and 100% of its admitted applicants.

So in my point of view, the answer = (1781*26%)/(1781*60%) = 43.3%

--  作者:zxrallen
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 14:43:00


以下是引用mikelin在2004-1-31 14:35:00的发言:
Congratulations! how is your background?

GMAT 700+,TOEFL 623,2yr事业单位,2.5yr美资企业,现仍在职任中层管理,国内二流重点大学物理专业。
--  作者:zxrallen
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 14:49:00


以下是引用mikelin在2004-1-31 14:39:00的发言:
With regard to your question, you can reference the site, http://www.businessweek.com/@@gZwRi4QQ@Q3pbgwA/bschools/02/full_time_profiles/carnegiemellon.htm
It's a Math question.
1,781 people applied to the full-time MBA program in 2002. The school accepted 26% (selectivity) of those applicants.
In 2002, the B-school interviewed 60% of its full-time MBA applicants, and 100% of its admitted applicants.

So in my point of view, the answer = (1781*26%)/(1781*60%) =

43.3%,也就是说interviewed applicants中有五分之二被录取,太残酷了,我即将面对的是又一场恶仗。
--  作者:mikelin
--  发布时间:2004-1-31 15:00:00

Come on!!!
43.3% is high.
Just think that it is nearly "1/2". 



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