
Kellogg MBA 面试经验分享

[日期:2010-03-20] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:我是乖乖 [字体: ]

Do not care too much of the form of interview. I was actually waived one week before CNY and got phone interview request during CNY. I saw many people say no chemistry to talk with Adcom and do not like phone interview. But sometimes, mental hint will take effect. If you feel you do not like it from the very start, you tend to feel nervous or upset about it and cannot perform naturally. So never think phone interview will put you to a disadvantage, just be prepared and then relax (I know saying is easy but not necessarily doing).

Someone also say we cannot see the feedback of the interviewer on phone and do not know how to channel the whole process, but in some cases you can feel sth from the voice and tones of the interviewer. For example, when I heard one of my answers took my interviewer to laugh, I added more details and even a joke to make it more interesting to her and make the interview not that boring. When I heard she say wonderful, excellent, I added more recipe to the story. And you can even channel the interview by saying “ would you like to know…”if you think the interview has got away from the track you want. Most importantly, be natural, be yourself and don’t be nervous (remember紧张真的是大忌,因为我觉得任何学校都很看重leadership,而leader assumed should be临危不乱,如果interview紧张,会让interviewer觉得遇事不够沉着镇定)

My interview Questions:

1) Undergraduate experience
2) Is your first internship at XX determined you career path
3) Career progression
4) Weakness
5) Any misconception other people have about you
6) Why MBA, Why Kellogg
7) Career goal
8) Leadership style, list of leadership experience and one example of leadership
9) Anything others you want to share?
10) Q&A




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