
Rochester (Simon) M.S. in Marketing Skype面经

[日期:2009-12-30] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:lyannlam [字体: ]

晚上十一点准时通过Skype连接到admission office(如果买了北美包月套餐的童鞋们记得要用Skype的国内版哦,~我就是之前一直在用国际版结果账户显示没钱,急到爆头...)

接电话的是一位叫Ariane的mm,青春可人,两靥生花,非常warm地问了n多声How are you(大概是一开始讯号不怎么好吧..),然后就直奔主题,问题大致如下:

  1. Why do you choose MS in Marketing as one of your study plans?
  2. What are you plannning to do after you finish MS program?
  3. Why Simon?
  4. What's the differences between Simon and other business schools you have applied for?
  5. Why did you choose this major in your undergraduate institution?
  6. Tell my about your duty on your internships.
  7. What did you learn from the internship in XXX company?
  8. What's the most impressive thing during your internship?
  9. What's the difference of the your working content in A company compared to that in B company?
  10. Why do you like working as a team? (在对话中她告诉我program里有很多team project,需要大家共同合作,然后我说我很喜欢团队合作的呀,她就随口问了这句)
  11. What challenges or difficulties do you expect when studying in U.S.?

整个过程聊得挺欢,以致于后来完全在手舞足蹈中(估计形象就这样毁了...),Ariane貌似也很excited,眉飞色舞的样子,然后我问她觉得刚毕业的本科学生跟experienced ones相比有啥优势没,然后她马上瞪大眼睛说有啊,我就是本科刚毕业就来simon读ms的啦,bla bla bla说了一大堆。由于第二天他们就要放圣诞假,所以她告诉我说decision可能没那么快出来,不过应该within a month。挂了电话以后当晚她就发了邮件给我说要我发一份最新的resume给她,因为当时submit的时候我还在做第二份实习(up to now 一共有三份),所以童鞋们如果也有像我这种情况的请主动向他们提出重发的要求吧!好啦挂笔于此,希望能够帮助申marketing的童鞋们啊,之前准备的时候我可是在网上大海捞针似的也找不到几篇有用的面经呢...大家加油哇!



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