
Oct 17, Online Chat with Darden MBA Students 录音下载

[日期:2009-10-09] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Zeros [字体: ]
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ChaseDream cordially invites you to the online chat with current MBA students from Darden, who will be sharing their precious application experiences and exciting school lives with us.

Don’t miss it. Mark your calendar!

October 17 - Online Chat with Darden MBA Students

Date: October 17, 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30am - 11:30am (Beijing time)
Place: http://chat.chasedream.com (Registration not required)

Guide for Chat: http://chat.chasedream.com/guide/ (ChaseDream updated the chat system recently. Please read the guide carefully to guarantee that you have a smooth chat experience.)

Guest Speakers:

4 yrs w/e, Auditor, 2nd year

6 years W/E, consulting, 1st year

4 yrs w/e, M&A, 2nd year

4 yrs w/e, FMCG, 2nd year


1) Brief Introduction
2) Q&A

Reference link

Darden Class 2010 & 2011 taking questions


The speakers are not officially associated with the Darden MBA Admissions Committee or any member of the Committee. The views expressed during the online chat are solely those of the speakers and do not reflect the views of the Committee. The speakers assume no responsibility regarding the accuracy of the information that is provided during this event and accept no responsibility for any consequences of the use of the information.

打印 | 录入:Zeros


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