
[原创]2004/7/9北京 MBA 1000过

[日期:2005-01-30] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:greattaste [字体: ]

因为昨天大使馆的电脑系统坏了,昨天预约的人和今天的一起面试,签证大厅里人山人海.  切入正题:

me: good afternoon. nice to meet u

v nod. who will pay for your study?

me: myself and my family.

v your salary?

me: XXX and i have xxx bonus plus xxx allowance

v do you have banking document?

me: (hand-in) i have prepared a summary

v (look at it) so you will use up all your family's savings..

me: (感觉这个问题有杀机) nono no, i will use up all my savings, but my family still have some savings

v what do your parents do?

me: blah...blah...blah.... 听到我父亲做过外交官 眼睛一亮

v (把所有文件推出给我,好像满意了) why will you come back in China.

me: b/c i can build a very successful career after completing my mba at yale. ...

v (打断) what kind of job will you take after mba?

me: i have two plans. first, blah blah blah, second blah. blah blah.... 感觉我说的有点快

v how much can you earn after mba?

me: xxxxxx in China for plan A.

v 打断: sounds so much, are you sure?

me: 非常坚定的看着他的眼睛: YES! i am sure.

v 满意状 but in US you can earn a higher salary. why will you come back? (微笑)

me: 感觉这个问题是最后最关键的问题了 it's all about short term gain and long term gain... blah blah....... , 主要意思是说我回中国的long term pay back 比在美国好,更有发展前途。 同时也联系了一下我所从事的industry.  大概说了半分钟。 (具体内容忘了,其实我只准备了我的career plan 来回答why come back这个问题,没想到vo又问一遍)

v 听了一会开始打电脑,我说完了也不看我。

me: 很耐心的看着他。冷场了一会,我又说了我的长期career goal.

v it seems you know what you want to do after MBA. i will give you visa.

me: thank u. wish you a great day.

感想:vo的态度一直很友好,vo的问题也很一般。准备的时候根据自己的工作情况回答vo的问题更有说服力。 另外感觉有的问题是关键问题,最好能及时发现并解答。 最后一点: 自信是非常重要的,有时候vo有意challenge你,要把握住自己的情绪和回答问题的逻辑.


感谢 cd上的朋友分享的经验,对我今天顺利拿到签证非常有益。 

Wish all of you best luck!










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