

[日期:2005-01-30] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:liyijia [字体: ]

事先准备比较充分, wwwzzzz和nettalker帮我做了两次mock interview. 但由于我是全自费,且资金不足,有点担心. 8号我去的比较晚,过了10点才倒签证大厅,由于中信实业银行的第二联收据没带(自作聪明的认为第二联收据是留给我的,因此留在家里了), 由于时间不够了,在保安的建议下,倒广场对面的银行重新买了一份. 哪位需要签证的朋友需要买的,我多下的一份贱卖了,830元给我500元就够了,有意者请留贴,或者和我联系.

等倒我签证时,大厅除了等着领签证的, 已经没什么人了. 我的vo是一个美国帅小火, 很nice,

v congratulations! So you will go to xxxxx

me; yes! it's my dream school

(vo 指着ds157表 "前雇主" 一栏问我为什么没填, 我告诉他I have serverd for only one employer after graduation, 他仔细看了看,一付恍然大悟的样子)

v how long have you worked?

me: six years!

v what are you doing?

me: i am a sales manager in a leading domestic network equipment manufaturer. it's xx company. Our main competitors are Cisco, 3com.

v what's you salray?

me: my annual salary was .........

v why did you want to study MBA?

me: I plan to start up my own business in China in six years. My business will focus on IT service and consulting. You know, I have worked for six years in this industry. I understand the market very well and I know where the oppotunity exist. But after graduation, I will find a marketing director in a global hi-tech company in Shanghai. But now i need a MBA program to improve my business skills and establish strong network. (注: 这个问题我回答的很长,而且有点绕, 幸运的是vo一直没有打断我,很转注的听.)

v how many schools did you apply?

me: five schools! but  xxxx most fit in with me.

v how many schools admitted you?

me: .....only one.  Stanford gave me interview, but, you know ....(我摊了摊手,vo表示明白. 但显然他觉得不可理解, 因为他觉得我的学校非常好,为什么其他的学校没有要我呢?于是接着问了两个问题)

v what's the rank of xxxx school?

me:8th in US News.( 仍然好奇, 显然他对学校的判断没错,呵呵)

v what's the other schools?

me: stanford, mit, ucla, cornell (都是挺好的学校,终于消除了疑虑)

v how will you support your study?

me: My personal saving can cover most of the fees for two years. the others, I will get loan from xxxx school.  (把我的资金证明递过去, 他仔细看了看, 还在心里算了一下)

v That's all your money?

me: yes!

v do you have a house or apartment?

me: no!

v do you have a car?

me: no! (有点疑虑,赶紧把我的收入证明给他, 认真看了看)

v  you got xxxx money every year. So how did you deal with your money?

me: I put most of them into stock market!

v can i see your ......(没听清楚,估计时股票交易记录什么的. )

me: sorry! I did not take them with me.( 表示可以理解)

v how much do you plan to loan from your school?

me: 30,000-40,000$ (算了算,没错,需要这么多)

v how much can you earn in China after graduation?

me: at least 60,000$ one year!( 很自信地)

v congratulations!  Mr. Li. .......................

我是当天最后一批领到签证, 还算顺利.  心得: vo的问题逻辑性很强,一环扣一环. 所以事先要想好, 回答起来才会比较自然, 不会前后矛盾. 其实本人有房一套,但由于工作收入不足以解释存款和房子,所以就没打算提房子的事情. 没想到vo还真问到了,如果没想好, 回答"有"的化,估计就有很多麻烦了. 另外回答问题 要简洁,尽量口语化,但是要hit the point.

特别感谢wwwzzz和nettalker, 帮了我很大的忙! 也特别感谢cd上的战友!








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