
[原创]IOWA Tippie电话面试

[日期:2005-01-27] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:hexin [字体: ]



1. Give a brief introduction about yourself.
2. Why MBA, why this moment?
3. Why IOWA?
4. Why IOWA should admit me? What can I benefit the school?
5. What kind members you expect from the learning group at our school? why?
6. Describe your career progress
7. Leadership experience
8. What kind of leader you like most and what kind of leader you don’t like most.
9. Describe a typical workday.
10. Team work experience
11. My career goal
12. What were your most important successes? 
13. What is your most important failure?
14. How to understand leadership
15. Questions about IOWA
16. How would friends describe you?
17. How would your boss (or colleagues) describe you?
18. What are your weaknesses?
19. What are your strengths?
20. What attributes would your ideal job include?
21. What kind of team member you like most and you don’t like most? When you have a team member you don’t like in the group, how will you treat him?
22. How did you resolve conflicts in your team?
23. If you plan to organize an activity, what will you design?
24. How did you persuade your boss to accept your idea?
25. How do you spend your leisuretime? (Hobbies)





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