
[原创]严重庆祝诺曼底登陆成功60周年暨Valentine 第4 次签证成功!

[日期:2005-01-23] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:valentine [字体: ]



V Why u were rejected last year?

Me: The VO last year told me that it was too expensive for me. But I have more funding this year.

V what is ur salary now?

ME:  XXX RMB / year

V what was ur salary last year?

Me: ABC RMB / year

V: Then how much it means for one month?

M: XX RMB / year

V: But our records show that u had only X a month. (去年无意只把基本工资告诉VO 了,现在连我都忘了,却没想到VO 竟然有记录,后面的XDJM一定要注意了!如果被认为说谎,就永远去不了美国了!)

当时Valentine 我有一种无名的悲哀在心中油然而生,已预感到Vo已不信任我了,interview 可才刚刚开始啊!


M: That is IMPOSSIBLE!  U can check my salary slips.  I did have XX for one month last year. (我把最近两年的工资单都递了进去,VO一页一页的翻看,看得很仔细,)


M:我有晕菜了,我从来没有算过,硬着头皮说 XX for one month.

V: That is impossible.  U do have XX for the recent months, but six months ago, u only had X for one month.  How can you save XX for one month? (够狠!处处抓我的破绽!)

M: When I said I save XX for one month, I mean the average。I have bank statements, do you want to have a look?

V:Nod. 我递进A银行近2年的对账单,VO从第一页翻到最后一页,下结论/:There is not much saving here. (言外之意还是不信我的高工资和高储蓄率)

M:That is only part of my saving.  Here are the rest. 我又递进去2 个B 银行的存折。

V将2 个B 银行的存折从第一页翻到最后一页,查看每一条存款取款记录。




M:Yes, I an XXX manager.

V: do you have proof?

M: show him my business card and staff card.

V: u work here for two years.

M: Yes, before that I once worked for A com and B com.

V: what is your future salary after graduation?

M: The range is from XXX to XXX according to C com.

V: what is ur plan in the future?

M: I want to become a partner at the top consulting firm Chinese branch, such as C com.  In fact, C com shows great interest in me. 

V: Since u have already have a good job at XXX, why need the MBA and join C com?

M: because I can become even more successful in career.  My current work is focus on XXX.  But I want to do sth XXX, such as.  I can create more value for my clients and gain more career satisfaction.  In addition, …(被打断)

V:I get your points. Go to Window 10 to get ur VISA.

M: Thank you! (当时脑子已经完全木了,跟本不敢相信我还能得到VISA, 随时准备听到那熟悉的I am sorry.  According to the American law, … 然而却没有听到,等到的是我陌生却期盼已久的Window 10!)

感想:除了要注意资金问题,我别无要提醒大家的。回想我今天随时都有可能被拒,但VO 对我实在是太好了,竟然处处为我放绿灯。我能过不时典型,运气占至少70%。此外本人信奉基督教(不时很严格以一上的那种),前不久在佛祖寿诞之日又很虔诚的祝贺佛祖的诞辰。不知是否有帮助.


鱼:U r my god! It is u who gave me so much confidence and courage and bulks of good luck!  I am longing for meeting u in America! 

LM, and Angi:  U two reminded me so many important questions, all of which were used by VO in my interview.  Amazing!  I sincerely wish LM can pass smoothly and Angi can land an excellent job in next year!

Edward and Eva:  u two are also my best pals!  Remember we worked together at starbucks and the meeting room? I sincerely wish Edward’s daughter would become the most pretty one in the world. And Eva can get her VISA this summer.

Many others, I cannot wrtite all names here.  I will write a personal mail to them.

If any of CDers needs help, please do not hesitate to send short messages to me or drop me a line to valentiney2002@yahoo.com 

My pleasure to help others!

Wish all of us good luck in USA!

God bless us!









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