First Round notification: Dec 6
First Round interview: Dec 10
Interviewer: One professor I mentioned in SoP, another professor is co-ordinator
Introduce yourself
tell me about the research project you've done in predoc
* I chose a project that is related to quant mkt. It is an econ paper, with a focus on theory contribution. So I start with the theory contribution. But the interviewer didn’t really get the point of theory contribution, keep asking “What is the research question”
* I give an example to illustrate the model. Then she gets the point.
Coding skill
* Why marketing? Your research interest is empirical IO, you could do empirical IO in econ.
* Why London Business School
我是从Econ转去quant mkt的。和我类似情况的小伙伴,需要注意
1. 有一个convincing 的Econ转quant mkt的理由
2. 如果做的project比较偏theory,在讲的时候要注重具体应用,多举例子