
[原创]6月2日GZ携行1000 -- 过!

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:EOT [字体: ]


尽管我们的号不是最后,可是经过使馆里头几次重排,我们居然是最后离开使馆的一批。等到了12点45分,我们那队还有好几号人在等待,于是临窗那可爱的TOM CRUISE GG便帮助我们那队的VO,偶和LG也在幸运之列,于是被这位帅气GG interview了。估计当时VO们也和我们一样饥饿难当了,于是签证过程也算快而顺,问题都在25问以内,详情如下:

V: XXX(用中文叫偶的名字)

M: Hello, I came here with my husband, he's going to apply for F1 visa, and me F2.(不知何故,偶和LG的资料被分开了,以致于我先被叫到2号窗口,而他还在1号窗等候)

V:Oh,what's his name?

M: XX --- 于是VO去一号窗边将LG的资料取过来,LG来到偶身边。接下来就完全没有我的事儿了,就听着VO问LG几个短短的问题。

V: So what are you gonna do in the US?

LG: I'm going to pursue the MBA degree in XXX university.

V: Will you work in the US after getting the degree?

LG: No, I will come back to China and blablabla...(LG将其career plan简单介绍了几句)

V: But you can earn more money there.

LG: As far as I know, if I get the position as xxx in China, the package will be almost the same as the MBA graduate at XXX university in the U.S, it's about US$xx,000.  And furthermore, I've stayed in Jamaica for 2 years with my wife...

V: Your tuition is 1X,000 (actuallyLG的tuition全免了,1万多是两个人一年所需的total expense)in the I-20, how can you afford it?

LG: Well, it's very easy, becos I've worked for more than 7 years.

V: So how much do you earn now?

LG: RMBxxxx.  Do you like to see my pay slip here?

V: it's ok.  How long have you worked in Wal-mart?

LG: More than x years.

V: Before working here, what did you do?

LG: I worked for a trading company, and my salary was xxxx(higher than the current amount).

V: (Surprisingly) You worked in Wal-mart for less money?

LG: Because the company moved to SH.

V: ok I see.  好的, 我给你们两个人VISA,(一边撕卡片)。

LG: oh, thank you.

V: Good luck!!







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