- JHU Marketing
- What are you looking forward to joining Carey Business School
- Who is your favorite person in history (当时只有10s准备时间,头脑一片空白,第一反应是我偶像Taylor Swift,所以就说她了哈哈哈哈,她应该算a person in history吧,姐破了这么多记录)
- Cornell AEM Behavioral Marketing Concentration
- What is your full name and preferred nickname
- What is your short-term and long-term career goal
- Do you have any experience studying or working in a culturally diversified environment
- If you could turn into an animal, what would it be
- What is your most proud of outside of school activity
- Describe your dream house
- Rochester MSMA video response
- How does your experience shape you professionally or personally (差不多是这个意思)
- Vanderbilt MS Marketing
Video Essay 这个我在某书上都没太搜到面经,跟Rochester一样,也是三次机会,用了两次
- If you could change something in these two years, what would you change
- What is the greatest invention during your time
Vanderbilt 真人面试, 面试官Scott,人很好很随和,对我的信息都很熟悉,一上来congrats我,interview并不是每个人都会有的,闲聊了一会儿,问我Hometown,每次回答完问题都会闲聊一下,并给正面反馈,面试完后也表扬我并表示我很适合这个program blablabla,不知道他会不会对每个人都这么说 - self intro (where ur from, where ur raised...)
- Why Marketing
- Tell me everything you know about vanderbilt
- short-term long-term career goal, work in US/China
- How do you cope with stress
- How would your friends describe you, give 3 adjectives
- Your hobby
- What are other programs you applied, your choosing criteria
- your role model
- pitch yourself 感觉相当于what are somethings you want to share
- BU Marketing Communication Research
- Describe one time when you face a problem, what creative ways did you use...具体忘了差不多这个意思
- Describe one time when you need to reassess your goals...后面几个小问忘了
- 写作 Why MCR, how does MCR help you achieve your goals, be specific and use examples...
- USC MS marketing我是round3,但每一轮问题都一样,每个人都是差不多的三个问题
- Please tell us about a time when you sought out more insight into something in marketing that was beyond your knowledge. What motivated you to seek out this information? What excites you about this information? How have you applied this knowledge to professional, personal or your academic life?
Please tell me about an experience where you were on a team that was struggling to determine a plan for moving forward. What role did you play to work with the team effectively to accomplish the objective, and what was the outcome?
Imagine you are working with a customer who is launching a brand-new product or service. They have asked you to create a proposal that leads them through your process and planning.
i. How would you go about researching this product or service to create an impactful proposal?i. What are some of the risks or challenges that you feel you might face and how would you mitigate those risks or challenges?
- NYU integrated marketing
- 关于ethics的,具体有点忘了……- Please tell me how you would determine the number of boats passing through the Panama Canal each month. How many of these are cargo ships? What three pieces of information would you need to have before actually solving this problem? What other factors would you consider to give you a more accurate answer?
- Northwestern IMC
和Sage面的,其实我感觉就是整体交流下来很正常,每次回答完都会说thank you for sharing客气话,面试了差不多30分钟,感觉算时间短的。
- Self intro & why marketing
- Relevant courses, what did you learn
- Why IMC
- resume问了三段有关marketing的经历
- which sequence do you prefer
- Short-term&long-term career goal
- Which company you hope to join