
Kellogg MiM 面经 [2023.11.18]

[日期:2023-12-13] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Kevin_ChenX [字体: ]

2023.11.18 Kellogg MiM

总结写前面:面试体验如何很看运气,今年有人面到的面试官非常 nice,有人的很严肃,有的时间长达一小时,有的短约 25 min.自己的简历还是越清楚越好,会有追问临场应变的题目。



  1. Walk through resume 并且阐述为什么当时做这样的选择 + 追问社团经历 + 追问research project 经历。
  2. Good teamwork experience and why godd?
  3. Significant leadership experience.
  4. Any experience working with people of diversity, how did you manage?
  5. Short term and long term goal.
  6. why MiM and Why Kellogg?
  7. Anything you think I should know?
  8. Any questions for me?

我收集到的其他 23 年的最新的题目

  1. Has any previous experiences drove to the MiM program? If yes, how?
  2. How do you plan to get involved in the Kellogg community?
  3. Good team experience and what makes it good?
  4. Bad team experience and what makes it bad?
  5. Significant leadership experience
  6. If I ask someone who know you as a team player, what are three ways they might describe you.
  7. What is one advice that you might receive from others to become a better team player?
  8. What is one thing that you learned about yourself in undergraduate career?
  9. What is your dream company after graduating from Kellogg MiM? Why do you want to target this specific company?

现在 po 是因为觉得这个论坛有必要复活,这个论坛在做的事情是很有意义的,但是它有点凉了。希望能帮到一些人,诸君加油!




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