个人背景:刚毕业 gap 选手,英语能力(雅思 7.5)
一、应对 GMAT 考试必须要明确几个原则
原则 1:不要执着于做难题。因为 GMAT 考试是自适应考试,在考试过程中每道题都会影响升降库,所以只有把中等难度的题目做到较高的正确率,才有机会升库去做难题。就算难题的正确率只有50%,一旦降库,题目难度稍稍回落,就又会回到我们的“舒适区”,我们可以立刻做对题目把难度升上来。除此之外,琢磨难题消耗的时间成本非常大,不利于短期备考。
原则 2:对薄弱项做针对性训练。作为想要短期出分的“多战”考生,提高分数最有效的方法就是找准自己的薄弱点,进行针对性训练,二战之前我主要攻克的是 SC(一战 SC 56th→二战 SC 85th),三战之前我主要攻克的是 CR(二战 CR 7th→二战 CR 98th)。
原则 3:有效复盘、有效订正。复盘是为了巩固做题方法的熟练度,订正错题是为了不断补充、不断修正自己的做题方法。后面我会具体举例子说明什么是有效复盘。
(一) 一战前-备考 1 个月(670,V29 Q50)
OG 22 + Advanced Questions (CR)+官网模考 1、2
弯路:OG 22 只是做了一遍,没有仔细分析,且基础没打好就去刷难题集不可取。
(二) 二战前-备考 20 天(700,V34 Q51)
OG 22 SC 二刷 + 复盘
Prep 08 SC 一刷 + 复盘
Advanced Questions (SC)
CR(Prep08 CR 一刷 + 复盘)
RC(Prep08 RC 一刷 + 复盘)
Quant(揽瓜阁数学小分队,每天 10 道题保持手感)
官网模考 3、4、5、6
弯路:CR 相对练习的时间较少,且 OG 的 CR 部分没有吃透,导致二战 CR 7th,但是同时也证明,偏科也能 V34,也是能上 700 分的!
(三) 三战前-备考 25 天(740,V40 Q50)
SC(Prep 07 SC 一刷 + 复盘,最后还剩 30 题没做)
OG 22 CR 二刷 + 复盘
RC(Prep 07 RC 一刷 + 复盘,一天 3 篇,最后也没做完)
Quant(揽瓜阁数学小分队,每天 10 道题保持手感)
官网模考 3、4、5、6
一战之前,我刷 SC 就是只做题,然后把错题订正一下就完事儿了,实际上这样并不能修正、巩固自己的做题方法。所以,二战之前,我把 OG 22-SC 部分每道题都重刷了一遍,每道题的每个选项都进行复盘分析,这样那些蒙对的题目里的知识点也就不会错过了。Prep 08、07 的 SC 部分我是结合 CD 论坛上的 Prep 08、07 语法笔记进行复盘分析的。
指路 prep 08 语法笔记 https://forum.chasedream.com/for ... peid%26typeid%3D136
prep 07 语法笔记忘记是哪个帖子存的了。
这里补充一下我自己总结的 SC 部分的做题方法体系以及做题步骤,主要有 8 大考点(结构、修饰、平行、比较、代词、动词的时态 + 语态 + 语气、措辞、固定搭配),再精简一下其实只有 6 大考点,最后的措辞和固定搭配需要靠平时做题不断补充和积累。
一、 结构
(一) 句子结构
(二) 主谓一致
二、 修饰(内容最多的考点)
(一) 高频修饰考点 1——句首修饰词 initial modifiers
(二) 高频修饰考点 2——限定性/非限定性定语从句
(三) 高频修饰考点 3——which 的用法
(四) 高频修饰考点 4——分词的用法
(五) 高频修饰考点 5——独立主格和伴随状语
(六) 高频修饰考点 6——with 的修饰用法(除 with 型独立主格)
(七) 高频修饰考点 7——appositive modifiers 同位语修饰
(八) 高频修饰考点 8——based on / due to / comma + including
三、 平行结构(语义/逻辑平行>结构平行)
四、 比较结构 Comparisons(语义/逻辑 + 结构)
(一) 主要原则(1、看比较对象的可比性;2、尽量让结构平行)
(二) 比较结构的标志词
五、 代词
六、 动词的时态、语态和语气
七、 措辞
八、 固定搭配(习惯用法)
(1) 先读原句,掌握基本语义(考点 4-比较)和基本结构(考点 1-句子结构 + 主谓一致)
(2) 通过基本考点来快速排除错误选项
(3) 剩下的选项进行纵向对比
例 1:OG22-SC-993
Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
A. Although she was considered among her contemporaries to be the better poet than her husband, later Elizabeth Barrett Browning was overshadowed by his success.
B. Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning was considered among her contemporaries as a better poet than her husband, she was later overshadowed by his success.
C. Later overshadowed by the success of her husband, Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry had been considered among her contemporaries to be better than that of her husband.
D. Although Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s success was later overshadowed by that of her husband, among her contemporaries she was considered the better poet.
E. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s poetry was considered among her contemporaries as better than her husband, but her success was later overshadowed by his.
(1) 错误原因:错误地认为人和 success 具有可比性(正确的题不用写错误原因)
(2) 做题过程(先基本语义 + 基本语法点,最后选项纵向比较)
根据句意,选项 C 是 poetry was overshadowed by the success of her husband 逻辑不通,排除 C;E 是 poetry 和 husband 比,不可比,排除 E;
ABD 比较,overshadow 其实也是表示比较,所以人和 success 不能比较,排除 AB,所以选 D
(3) 补充:(且让步转折关系中重点在主句,AB 的重点都是 she was later overshadowed by his success,D 的让步关系更加合理)
例 2:Prep 08-1-175
Experts estimate that ten times as much petroleum exists in sources like tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even in shale than in conventional reservoirs.
A. sources like tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even in shale than
B. sources like tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even in shale than are
C. such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even in shale as are
D. such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale as
E. such sources as tar sands, heavy oil, and perhaps even shale than
(1) 错误原因:无
(2) 做题过程:原句句意基本合理,但存在考点错误:1、like 不能表示举例(排除 AB);2、sources 后面的列举应该是 tar sands, heavy oil, and shale(页岩)这三者平行,不需要 in shale,排除 C;
DE 比较,E 选项只有一个 as,as much petroleum as 的结构不完整,所以选 D
(3) 补充:正确的平行结构 ten times as much petroleum exists in sources such as A, B and perhaps even C as in conventional reservoirs
例 3:Prep 08-1-181
The number of people flying first class on domestic flights rose sharply in 1990, doubling the increase of the previous year.
A. doubling the increase of
B. doubling that of the increase in
C. double as much as the increase of
D. twice as many as the increase in
E. twice as many as the increase of
(1) 错误原因:认为 twice 比 double 好
(2) 做题过程:根据句意,是 90 年增长数量是 89 年增长数量的两倍,而不是 90 年的人数是 89 年增长数量的两倍(CDE 选项都是 the number of people is twice as many as the increase in 1989),所以排除 CDE(C 选项的 double 不是动词词性就和 twice 一样);AB 比较,B 选项的 that 无所指代,所以选 A
(3) 补充语法点:twice as … as 的结构不可以修饰抽象名词(eg. increase)
"twice as many"修饰具体可数名词 eg. twice as many dogs
"twice as much"修饰具体不可数名词eg. twice as much water
twice/double 直接修饰抽象名词 eg. twice the increase (number、amount、quantity、speed、frequency、rate、size、price)
我个人认为 CR 是 Verbal 中最耗时的部分,且 GMAT 考试中 CR 部分有逐渐变难的趋势,无论是 OG 22 还是 prep 08 的难度都是够不上真题高分库的难题水平的。而且,考场里做 CR 部分很容易紧张,如果题目看完一遍毫无头绪,就会自乱阵脚。总而言之,CR 是一个非常考验考生考试心态的单项。这可能就是我二战的时候 CR 单项的 rank 只有 7th 的原因吧。但是不要灰心,通过平时的逻辑链复盘训练,以及CR常见套路的总结归纳,就能克服不稳定的状态,从容应对 CR(7 th→98th 你也可以!)
战胜 CR 的必胜法宝:
(1) 计时训练(整体控制在 10 题 20 分钟,难题确实需要稍长的时间去思考分析)
(2) 复盘(每道题都要复盘,提取逻辑链)→提高简化题干的能力
可参考 CD 论坛里的湿太的逻辑链训练 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-921579-1-1.html
- 条件结论型 Premise-Conclusion
- 目标方案型 Plan-Goal
- 类比论证型(较少)
(3) 归纳总结(总结常见的 CR 套路、常见的无关选项)→提高预判选项以及快速排除无关选项的能力(预判和排除能力都是要通过不断做题去积累)
常见的 CR 套路:(1)相关≠因果、(2)类比论证(削弱题-找类比对象的不同点)、(3)百分比≠总量等等,CR 套路的总结可以参考 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zh9xJX-uZcK9j8t9zaY6bw
- 移花接木(偷换讨论对象)
- 比较级(无意义比较)【因为类比题占比较小,有 than 的正确选项较少】
- 最高级(过于绝对)
- 过去&将来(与现在无关)
- Some & not all(无意义概率,some 不具有代表性)
- Other (than)(扩大范围,扩大逻辑链)
- 概念拆分(动物→拆分为雌雄动物;公司→拆分为大小公司)
例 1:OG 2022-697
People who do regular volunteer work tend to live longer, on average, than people who do not. It has been found that “doing good”, a category that certainly includes volunteer work, releases endorphins, the brain's natural opiates, which induce in people a feeling of well-being. Clearly, there is a connection: Regular releases of endorphins must in some way help to extend people’s lives.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence given as support for the hypothesis that endorphins promote longevity?
A. People who do regular volunteer work are only somewhat more likely than others to characterize the work they do for a living as “doing good”.
B. Although extremely high levels of endorphins could be harmful to health, such levels are never reached as a result of the natural release of endorphins.
C. There are many people who have done some volunteer work but who do not do such work regularly.
D. People tend not to become involved in regular volunteer work unless they are healthy and energetic to begin with.
E. Releases of endorphins are responsible for the sense of well-being experienced by many long-distance runners while running.
(1) 题型:削弱题-前提结论型 PC
(2) 逻辑链
做志愿者→releases endorphins
(3) 预判方向:相关≠因果,做志愿者真的能导致长寿吗?选 D(健康长寿的人更有可能去做志愿者)
例 2:OG 2022-681
Pretzel Vendor: The new license fee for operating a pretzel stand outside the art museum is prohibitively expensive. Charging typical prices, I would need to sell an average of 25 pretzels per hour to break even. At my stand outside City Hall, with about as many passers-by as at the art museum, I average only 15 per hour. So I could not break even running a stand outside the art museum, much less turn a profit.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the pretzel vendor's argument?
A. The pretzel vendor does not sell anything other than pretzels.
B. People who visit the art museum are more likely to buy pretzels than are people who go to City Hall.
C. The license fee for operating a pretzel stand outside City Hall will not increase.
D. People who buy pretzels at pretzel stands are more likely to do so during the lunch hour than at other times.
E. The city will grant more licenses for pretzel stands outside the art museum than the number it grants for stands outside CityHall.
(1) 题型:削弱题 PC
(2) 逻辑链
P: 在 City Hall 外开店,一小时卖 15 个;
在美术馆外开店,盈亏平衡,需要一小时卖 25 个;
两个地方的 passers-by 数量相同
C: 在美术馆外开店会亏本(在美术馆外开店,也只能一小时卖 15 个)
(3) 预判方向:类比推理,削弱,找不同,美术馆游客和 City Hall 游客的不同,选 B
例 3:Prep 08-2-98
The violent crime rate (number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents) in Meadowbrook is 60 percent higher now than it was four years ago. The corresponding increase for Parkdale is only 10 percent. These figures support the conclusion that residents of Meadowbrook are more likely to become victims of violent crime than are residents of Parkdale.
The argument above is flawed because it fails to take into account ______________.
A. changes in the population density of both Parkdale and Meadowbrook over the past four years
B. how the rate of population growth in Meadowbrook over the past four years compares to the corresponding rate for Parkdale
C. the ratio of violent to nonviolent crimes committed during the past four years in Meadowbrook and Parkdale
D. the violent crime rates in Meadowbrook and Parkdale four years ago
E. how Meadowbrook's expenditures for crime prevention over the past four years compare to Parkdale's expenditures
(1) 题型:削弱题 PC
(2) 逻辑链
P:M 地暴力犯罪率比四年前提高了 60%;P 地提高了 10%
C:M 地的居民跟容易成为暴力犯罪的受害者
(3) 预判方向:增长率≠总值,要看基数,选 D
(4) 补充:B 选项是“百分比≠总数”,但是题目中已经转化成人均的概念,number of violent crimes per 1,000 residents,所以 B 不对
例 4:Prep 08-1-98
Early in the twentieth century, Lake Konfa became very polluted. Recently fish populations have recovered as release of industrial pollutants has declined and the lake’s waters have become cleaner. Fears are now being voiced that the planned construction of an oil pipeline across the lake’s bottom might revive pollution and cause the fish population to decline again. However, a technology for preventing leaks is being installed. Therefore, provided this technology is effective, those fears are groundless.
The argument depends on assuming which of the following?
A. Apart from development related to the pipeline, there will be no new industrial development around the lake that will create renewed pollutionin its waters.
B. There is no reason to believe that the leak-preventing technology would be ineffective when installed in the pipeline in Lake Konfa.
C. The bottom of the lake does not contain toxic remnants of earlier pollution that will be stirred into the water by pipeline construction.
D. Damage to the lake’s fish populations would be the only harm that a leak of oil from the pipeline would cause.
E. The species of fish that are present in Lake Konfa now are the same as those that were in the lake before it was affected by pollution.
(1) 题型:假设题 PC
(2) 逻辑链
工业污染排放↓→湖里污染↓→fish populations have recovered
P: 人们担忧--在湖底装油管会重新引起污染,伤害鱼类
C: 担忧是没有必要的(在湖底装油管不会重新引起污染)
(3) 预判方向:【题目认为漏油就是所有的污染方式】
BDE 无关;AC 都在说其他途径导致的污染,A 选项是装不装油管都会产生的污染,与推理无关,所以 A 不对,选 C
例 5:
Of all the magazines sold in supermarket checkout aisles, only a handful sell with any regularity. Numerous studies have suggested that at least for some products, sales can be boosted if customers perceive that a retailer holds a large stock of that product. Apparently a large stock signals popularity and thus makes a product seem more desirable. Therefore, supermarkets could increase overall magazine sales if they displayed more copies of each slow-selling magazine and displayed fewer copies of each reliable seller.
Which of the following would, if true, cast the most doubt on the soundness of the proposed strategy to increase magazine sales?
A. Customer loyalty suffers if a retailer fails to stock adequate supplies of certain popular product
B. The studies in question focused only on consumers' preferences and buying habits for food items.
C. Customers who come to shop in supermarkets generally do so to buy groceries, not to buy magazines.
D. Large displays of a product can signal to a customer that a product is popular, but not when the product is displayed at an unusually low price.
E. Magazines placed at eye-level tend to sell more than those placed at higher or lower levels.
(1) 题型:削弱题 PG
(2) 逻辑链
G: increase overall magazine sales
(3) 预判方向:对于某一些产品管用 VS 对于杂志管用?
(4) 补充:选 B(C 选项和 plan 是否实施是无关的,所以不能选,要从 plan 的角度削弱)
分清什么是和 plan 有关,什么是和 plan 无关,对于 PG 类型的题目很重要
在词汇量充足的情况下,RC 部分可以通过多读多练在短期内找到“题感”来提高,一天 3-4 篇阅读。(词汇量不够的话赶紧开始背单词叭,毕竟 GMAT 考试是给英语母语者设计的,咱也得有一定词汇量才能和英语母语者站在同一起跑线上!)
RC 部分的题目可以分为细节题和推断题(也就是 ESR 里面的 stated ideas 和 inferred ideas)。细节题基本上通过“回文定位”就可以做出来;推断题需要对文章内容进一步总结归纳、推理判断才能做出来。
RC 在平时训练的时候基本上就保证 2 分钟一题,比如说 3 道题的文章给 6 分钟,4 道题的文章给 8 分钟。读 1-2 段的文章,读完全文后回忆一下每段的中心思想(用 1 句话在心里概括出来);如果是 3 段及以上的文章,每读一段就可以在心里用1句话概括中心思想。这样训练可以提高“回文定位”的速度,加快做细节题的速度。
做完题目后,可以对文章进行复盘,复盘各个段落之间的逻辑关系(比如:第一段提出观点,第二段正面论证第一段的观点,第三段修正第二段观点的不足之处)。段落的作用 or 段落里句子之间的作用是 RC 高分库经常考察的考点。比如:作者举的A例子和以下哪个选项的例子具有相同的作用?如何削弱作者举的A例子?等等。所以做推断题就是要搞明白文章的论证结构,通过复盘文章可以提高识别论证结构的能力,从而提高推断题的正确率。
二战 GMAT 之后一度感到非常疲惫和迷茫,体会到很多前辈们所说的“感觉能做的都做了,但是结果还是不尽人意”。开始非常执着平时做题的正确率,刷 SC 时 10 题的正确率突然变成 60% 就感到很焦虑,模考成绩低于 700 分就感到很焦虑……
“当你感到困难时,其实是在走上坡路。” 非常感谢 CD 上面的很多心经,给了我继续战斗的勇气,我爱 CD,我也希望能够将这份勇气传递下去。GMAT 是个心态考试,无论是平时做题,还是考场上做题,我们要记得——当你感到困难时,其实是升库了!祝愿大家都能杀 G 成功,考出满意的成绩!