
[已录] HKUST-Yale M2M 申请全流程经验分享 [2022.11.29]

[日期:2023-03-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:charischu [字体: ]

HKUST - Yale M2M 同时经过港科和耶鲁两个学校申请,面试和录取,经过五轮筛选 & 三轮面试,终于上岸啦。
按照轮次总结了我的申请经验 供参考(Timeline & 文书 & 面经 & Tips)


  • 10.16 HKUST & Yale round 1: 提交申请
  • 10.28 Yale round 2 : 通过初筛 , 收到视频面试邀请
  • 11.02 Yale round 2: 提交视频面试 & yale文书
  • 11.09 HKUST round 2: 面试邀请
  • 11.21 HKUST round 2 面试 & Yale round 3 面试邀请
  • 11.29 Yale round 3: 面试
  • 12.07 Yale offer

HKUST Round 1:

  • 要求:(见官网)
  • 语言: 掌握/学习三门语言
  • Reference letter(professional/ academic) * 2

Yale Round 1 :

  1. 提交HKUST 申请可以选择 Yale double degree option, 提交补充表格
  2. 申请要求:(见官网)
  3. 课程范围: 学过 Finance, Accounting, Global Macroeconomics, Marketing, Statistics
  4. professional reference * 1
  5. 实习时长 : > 12 weeks

Yale Round 2:


  • 通过 yale Round 1 初筛收到 yale Round 2 邀请,要求提交文书+Kira 录制视频


  1. Why is the GBS program the right program for you? You have already attended a Master's program at a top business school, what would the GBS program add to your current preparation for your future? (300 words maximum)
  2. Please describe your post-GBS short-term and long-term career goals.(250 words maximum)
  3. Describe a challenge we are facing in the world today. How can the business community help fix this challenge? Be specific. (300 words maximum)

tips: 从要邀请到 DDL 只有三天时间,建议提前准备好 (因为没有做好准备,极限写essay ...)

(3)视频面试: 提交文书后会发来视频面试链接,要求在 ddl 前提交。 我遇到的问题:

  1. Introduce to us in 1 min, what makes you unique, why are you a good applicants for Yale GBS? (30 s pre, 1.30 ans
  2. What do you think is the best way to solve the conflict between colleague, workers, classmates in a project ? (30s pre, 1.30 ans)
  3. Some people think that it ethical accountability is the most important characteristic for the leader, do you agree or disagree? (20s pre , 1 min ans)

复盘: 语速放慢 看镜头 + 保持笑容 自我介绍可以反复训练,其他题目看重临场发挥

HKUST Round 2

通过HKUST Round 1 初筛收到 Round 2 面试邀请


  • 面试时间:11.21 HK 3:45pm, uk 7:45am (我的面试提前 30min 开始)
  • 面试时长: 15 min


  1. The most important reason for you to apply MIMT
  2. Career Goal
  3. Why choose MIMT over Finance ?
  4. Which area to exchange ?
  5. Do you like to be a team player or team leader ?
  6. Give me an example of leading a team ?
  7. Challenge you face in your study or internship ?
  8. Q&A

Tips:常规问题,提前规划一下 exchange country

Yale Round 3

通过 yale Round 2 收到 Yale 最终轮面试邀请, 确定面试时间
Tips: 尽早确认时间,我选择的时候只有两个 slot 可以选择了。


  • 面试时长 : 30min
  • 面试时间:11.29 est 7pm uk 凌晨12点


  1. How do you know about Yale and what makes you interest in this program?
  2. Why Yale GBS, how it will help you achieve your career goal?
  3. Your concrete plan for your career ?
  4. Walk me through your internship.
  5. Why your university of graduate study?
  6. 针对两段 leadership experience 深挖。
  7. Why summer school?
  8. Your plan for your time at yale ?
  9. Anything unique you can bring to your classroom.
  10. What else do you want let us to know outside of your CV?
  11. What do you think is the important character for business leader?
  12. Something want to change about your study ?
  13. Any questions.

Tips:强调 yale mission - the leader for the business and society, 突出完整的 story line.




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