
Boston University Kira 面经 [2023.02.04]

[日期:2023-02-17] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:Eumenidex [字体: ]

被 wl 了攒攒人品。


  • 12.05 提交申请(ddl 12.07)
  • 02.04 收到 wl

BU 的 kira 都是比较常规的问题,基本没有 tech 的,准备好素材就好。

  1. What factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program? Tell us about your top three.(这个基本必考的)
  2. If someone comes to your hometown, what would you show them? why?
  3. 在小组活动中有没有哪一次,对于你的看法别的成员没有 on the board 你最后怎么说服了他们?
  4. Tell us about a time when you were on a team where someone was not keeping up with his or her responsibilities. How did you handle it?
  5. Who do you admire and why?
  6. Tell me about an activity or internship that you worked so hard. What is the outcome?
  7. What do you want to introduce to your classmates and why?
  8. Describe a time when your involvement in a project changed the process or the outcome of that project. What did you contribute and why it was so successful?
  9. What does it mean to be successful? Why?
  10. What's the best gift that you've received? Why?
  11. 在 Internships 或 Extracurricular activities 有沒有碰过什么 difficulty? 如何解決,outcome 为何?
  12. Why Msba? 同 1
  13. Most meaningful professional accomplishment.
  14. 如果你可以 make a change to the world,你会做什么?
  15. 如果你的公司做了 against the law, what will you do and why?
  16. The great failure and what do you learn from it?
  17. Which event in the history do you want to witness?
  18. How could your best friend describe my personality?
  19. 你遇到的一个 analysis problem,你怎么 solve 的?
  20. If you could choose an era to live in, which one would you choose?
  21. 你参加的社团里面最有价值的是哪个,你为什么参加这个社团?
  22. 能够对你申请有帮助的 extra 活动/实习。
  23. 讲述一次 leadership and role, and what you learn?
  24. What would you do if you won one million dollars, and why?
  25. What is the your most meaningful teamwork and why it is so meaningful?
  26. Talk about a time where you worked as a member of a team and what skills did you bring to the team?
  27. Top three factors contributed to your decision to apply for a seat in this program.
  28. The most influencial person in your life. Why?
  29. What are you most passionate about? and why it is so important to you?
  30. If you have the chance to choose any job in the world, which one would you like to take?
  31. What specific skills you learned in internships or extracurricular activities?
  32. Describe the most meaningful volunteer activities you've done and how you plan to continue doing it as a graduate student.
  33. 描述你最想去的旅游目的地 and why?/travel
  34. What concepts you learned from prior courses could help you in the MSBA program?
  35. Tell me about an extra-curricular activity or internship you have done that aligns perfectly with your desire to obtain a MSBA/MSMS/MSMF degree. How will this involvement help you?
  36. If you could start any company now, what would it be and why?
  37. Tell me about a time when you think "outside the box"[ think differently, unconventionally, or from a new perspective], what happened?
  38. Please describe a time when you were asked to do something differently or use a unique approach to help achieve an objective of some sort. How did you adjust to doing this differently, and what was the outcome?
  39. What creative presentation you ever took and how is the result?
  40. What’s your favorite website and why?
  41. What does create value for the world mean to you?
  42. 你担任 leader 的 club/organization 以及 what did you learn from it?
  43. 说一次 rely on others 才完成 project 的经历,以及从中学到了什么?
  44. Recall a compliment you received that was especially meaningful. What was it and who did it come from?
  45. Which movie character do you want to be and why?
  46. 你 afternoon free 的时候会干嘛?




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