
[原创]MBA 广州2004年5月28日1000过签经

[日期:2005-01-22] 来源:ChaseDream论坛 作者:yurenwen [字体: ]


Me: Good Morning (递上号码牌)
VO:Thank you.
Me: 按指模
V forward, down, (可能担心我听不懂)大力一点按...alright
Me: I've prepared a check list. Wanta have a look?
V No, no, let's talk first.
Me: OK, talk.
V So why do you want to go the University of TN?
Me: There are several reasons. First, I have been working for more than 10 years, now it is time for me to refresh myself with update management knowledge. Second, my company's headquater is located in TN...
V But your company sounds like a Chinese company?
Me: No, it is an Swiss company
V But you said it's headquatered in US?
Me: Yes, our divisional headquater is in TN
V Oh, I see...
Me: Here is my company's brochure.
V No, No need. Let talk first... So you've been working in this company for 10 years?
Me: No, I've been working for this Co for 5 years. And I worked X years for my previous Co.
V What did you do in your previous Co.?
Me: I handled OEM ceiling fan orders for Home Depot, JCPenny, Homebase.
Me: (当VO在表格上画圈的时候,我补了一句) Talking about my school, it's tuition is affordable, and plus the living cost is low, you know it is located in small city.
V (Nodding). You are cost accountant?
Me: Yes.
V So what field will you concentrate on your MBA study? Accounting or what else?
Me: I will not study accounting. Actually cost accountant has little to do with general accounting, it is Costing, means, to analynize and control cost, look into process...
V (Nodding, seems to understand me) So what will you learn?
Me: I will learn logistics. My observation from the costing experience is, the company is usually bottleneked in logistic part.
V Does logistics mean you buy things here (比划了一下左手) and you put things there (又比划了一下右手)?
Me: Basically yes. For example, if we keep too much stock, we have the risk to keep idle stock and increase stocking cost; If we don't have sufficient stock, we might not meet the lead time, and then can not satisfy customers.
V Do you mean you can not meet the lead time for your customers?
Me: (a little surprised and confused) Sometimes we can not meet, but the most of the time we CAN!. We certainly can meet the lead time if we keep sufficient stock. But the problem is how to meet it and not to overstock, I mean, to balance it from cost point of view.
V (Nodding) Do you think that is a problem with most of the companies in China?
Me: Absolutely
V Actually American companies ...(没听清楚)
Me: And U of TN ranks top on lostics management, that is another reason for me to choose it.
V (翻我的护照)So you have been to USA before, was it a business trip?
Me: Yes
V What places have you been in US?
Me: San Fransico and TN
V Have you been to other countries?
Me: Yes, I have been to Phillippines several times, and I will go there again next month
V What does your husband do?
Me: He is a construction engineer... (想了想,又补了一句)manager.
V As an American, I want to tell you, if you go to US...
Me: (Looking at him)?
V and if you have barbeque in TN, you  should try beef barbeque there! (撕下绿条子)
Me: Thank you. Have a good day.

感想:VO除了我的护照,DS表,I20,别的什么也没看 (给都不看)。感觉是,今年形势比较宽松。如果有了若干硬件(如已婚又不携签,赴美记录等),VO一般不会为难你。资金的问题都没提。My brother works in US, 曾担心会被问到“why doesn't your brother come back", 结果也没问。偶遇thankceleste, raindrop1976,五日后,都1000过。前面也有被据的,好象回答问题都不太流利。

给MBA申请人的建议是:即使你没有上述的硬件,也不要紧。 Be confident, be professional,by yourself!
Wish everyone good luck!








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