面试前在 CD 上搜集了很多面经,非常有用,大部分覆盖了自己遇到的一些问题。特地来 CD 回馈攒人品求 offer!
面试 28 分钟左右,面试官是 anna woo 和 prof. Stephen Shih,分别是 AO 的 Head 和 program 的 associate Dean,人都很 nice.
- 01.08 提交申请
- 01.09 收到邮件 shortlisted
- 01.18 面邀
- 01.31 面试
BG:两财一贸本,86/100,t104,g 还未提交,5 年工作经验(资管行业 3 年)
- Self-introduction and why MBA?why HKUST?
- Reason for leaving the most recent job? What did you do in this period?( 楼主面试时 gap 了半年)
- Any plan to equip yourself before the program? (承接上面 gap 的问题)
- How do the MBA classes will help you to pursue your career?
- Leadership experience to make a change. what did you do in the project?
- People work in PE industry should be a good sales person. Any example of sold sth?(楼主提到想进这个行业)
- More about your exchange program. what did you learn from the program outside class?
- Why do you think you were selected the best new comer and the outstanding employee? How many people were selected?
- Ask back.
希望大家都面试顺利,拿到心仪的 offer